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Line 4: Line 4:
| noapp = 1
| noapp = 1
| behaviour = malevolent
| behaviour = malevolent
| range = [[Abyss (outer plane)|Abyss]], [[Subterranean (range)|subterranean]]
| range = [[Abyss (plane)|Abyss]], [[Subterranean (range)|subterranean]]
| size = 7 ft. tall
| size = 7 ft. tall
| weight = 425 lbs.
| weight = 425 lbs.
Line 11: Line 11:
| HD = 12+7
| HD = 12+7
| AP = 8
| AP = 8
| stride = 8
| THAC0 = 14
| THAC0 = 14
| hpdie = 2d4
| hpdie = 2d4
| attack = weapons ×6
| attack = '''6''': by weapon type
| dmg = varies
| dmg = variable damage
| special = [[Avatar (spell)|avatar]], [[Charm Person (spell)|charm person]], [[Darkness (spell)|darkness]], [[Detect Invisibility|detect invisibility]], dispel gate, [[Gating & Summoning|gating]], immunities, levitate, [[Magic Resistance|magic resistance]], magic to hit, [[Demonic Possession|possession]], [[Pyrotechnics (spell)|pyrotechnics]], strength, [[Teleport (spell)|teleport]], [[ultravision]]
| special = [[Avatar (spell)|avatar]], [[Charm Person (spell)|charm person]], [[Darkness (spell)|darkness]], [[Demonic Possession|possession]],<br>[[Detect Invisibility|detect invisibility]], [[Gating & Summoning|gating]], [[Levitation (spell)|levitate]], [[Magic Resistance|magic<br>resistance]], [[Magic to Hit|magic to hit]], [[Natural Immunities|natural immunities]],<br>[[Pyrotechnics (spell)|pyrotechnics]], [[Strength (ability stat)|strength]], [[Teleport (spell)|teleport]],<br>[[Ultravision (spell)|ultravision]]
These guardian [[Demon|demonesses]] occupy the upper levels of the Abyss, acting both as guards imprisoning the denizens within and as a shield against interlopers from other planes. Should an interloper seek to enter the [[Abyss (outer plane)|Abyss]] for some purpose, they would be sure to meet with one or more marilith before long.
'''Marilith''' are sentinel [[Demon|demonesses]] that inhabit the upper levels of the [[Abyss (plane)|Abyss]], serving a dual role as jailers who confine the damned, and as guards who oppose intruders from other realms. If an outsider dares to venture into the Abyss for any reason, they're bound to encounter one or more mariliths before long.
Standing a towering height of 7 feet, the marilith's lower body is that of a colossal snake, measuring about 18 to 24 ft. in length, typically coiled beneath their form for stability.  They have six arms and normally bear a weapon in each, typically a [[Sword (weapon)|short sword]], a [[Rapier (weapon)|rapier]], three varieties of [[Scimitar (weapon)|scimitar]] and an [[Ankus (weapon)|ankus]] — though this is by no means the rule.  
Standing 7 ft. tall, marilith appear from the waist up as highly athletic and beautiful human women with six arms; from the waist down, they have the body of a giant snake. The length of the lower body is some 15 to 18 ft., usually curled under the creature’s body as support.
== Mythology & Origin ==
Many inaccurately portray mariliths as generals, advisors or tacticians, disregarding the true chaotic essence of the Abyss, a realm utterly devoid of hierarchy.  Mariliths do possess an inherent compulsion for destruction, exhibiting cunning and deviousness in their actions. They meticulously plan their initial strikes to gain the utmost advantage. However, contrary to the beliefs of misguided scholars, they don't exert command over other demons.
[[File:Marilith image.jpg|280px|left]]
Their existence extends far back in time, spanning tens of thousands of years, a history that predates recorded accounts. The earliest reference to mariliths can be found in the [[Hinduism (religion)|Ramayana]], where they are depicted as servants of Ravana and his demoness sister, Shurpanakha.  These mariliths participated in the conflict against Rama, which transpired around 2500 <small>BC</small>, ultimately resulting in their exile to the Abyss, where they have remained ever since, barred from free interaction with the [[Prime Material (inner plane)|Prime Material Plane]].
Marilith are armed with six weapons, typically a short sword, a rapier, three varieties of scimitar and an [[Ankus (weapon)|ankus]] — but this is by no means the rule. The power and dexterity of the demoness is frightening, as it is able to deliver all six [[Combat|attacks]] against a single opponent, if the creature so wishes. Moreover, marilith have an 18/51 [[Strength (ability stat)|strength]], with +2 [[Roll to Hit|to hit]] and +3 to [[Damage (hit points)|damage]], so that six hits by the demoness can deliver a minimum of 24 points of damage and as many as 54.
== Mythology & Origin ==
== Dweomercraft ==
Summoned mariliths are notoriously difficult to control, driven by an insatiable urge to ruthlessly slay both allies and adversaries alike. Despite this, they relish the opportunity to be unleashed on earthly battlefields and may willingly engage in combat against an unsuspecting enemy.  The "contract" formed under these circumstances requires the marilith's allies refrain from inadvertently killing those the demoness has in her sights, which the demon would view as "stealing" the slaughter from its grasp.  Therefore, intentionally or accidentally [[Attacking in Combat|attacking]] any creature within three [[Combat Hex|combat hexes]] of a marilith is perilous.
It is supposed, inaccurately by many historiographers, that marilith are generals, advisors or tacticians, all of which ignores the true chaotic nature of the Abyss, within which no true hierarchy exists. Marilith are compulsively driven to be destructive; they are devious and crafty, and careful to plan their first attack to obtain the best possible advantage — but they do not command other demons, as many false sages believe.
Aware that its demise on the Prime Material results only in a return to the Abyss, a marilith feels no hesitation in taking risks of any sort.  
Confronted by hordes of foes, the marilith gleefully succumbs to a blood rage that persists until the creature is defeated — or all opposition is eradicated.  Its ability to teleport at will ensures that fleeing victims cannot escape the marilith's relentless pursuit.
Their existence reaches back tens of thousands of years to a time unknown, as it predates history. The first mention of a marilith occurs in the RamayanaThey are described as servants of Ravana and his demoness sister Shurpanakha, who fought and lost the war against Rama, circa 2500 BCE. Thereafter, the marilith were barred from free action upon the [[Prime Material (inner plane)|Prime Material Plane]] and cast into the Abyss, where they have remained ever since.
Those mistakenly assuming it safe to summon a marilith to eliminate only a few enemies soon rue that decisionUnless at least five hundred adversaries are immediately visible to the demoness, it promptly resolves to eliminate everyone present, starting with the summoner if possible.
== Advantages ==
== Advantages ==
The marilith possesses a set of [[Natural Abilities|innate abilities]] that it can employ effortlessly, each requiring no more than 1 [[Action Points|action]] point (AP) to activate.  It can use these abilities as frequently as it desires.  However, it can only employ one such ability per [[Combat Round|round]], so it's judicious in selecting the most advantageous choice.
'''Strength.'''  Marilith have an 18/51 [[Strength (ability stat)|strength]], with +2 [[Roll to Hit|to hit]] and +3 to [[Damage (hit points)|damage]]
'''Magic.''' These creatures can invoke a range of effects resembling various spells, without the need for traditional [[Spellcasting|spellcasting]].  These effects include [[Avatar (spell)|avatar]], [[Charm Person (spell)|charm person]], [[Darkness, 15 ft. radius (spell)|darkness]], [[Detect Invisibility|detect invisibility]], [[Levitation (spell)|levitate]] and [[Pyrotechnics (spell)|pyrotechnics]], and the detailed abilities below.
: '''Darkness.'''  Marilith can generate an encompassing darkness, which they like to create to conceal their position from round to round.  Their exceptional ability to see perfectly in such darkness is granted by a continuous [[Ultravision (spell)|ultravision]].  This darkness is so powerful that it cannot be dispelled with [[Light (spell)|light]] or [[Continual Light (spell)|continual light]]; rather, [[Dispel Magic (spell)|dispel magic]] is necessary.
: '''Teleport.'''  They frequently exploit their teleportation capability, allowing them to traverse the battlefield with ease, often transitioning from place to place more swiftly than traversing a single hex. A favored tactic involves attacking a nearby adversary, teleporting, and then launching further attacks against other foes across the field with their remaining [[Movement (stride)|movement]].
In addition to their strength, Marilith are immune to [[Sleep (spell)|sleep]] and charm, whatever the source, as well as attacks from cold, fire, electricity or gas of any sort. They are able to [[Teleport (spell)|teleport]]. They are able to be hit only by weapons with a bonus of +1 or greater. They possess a natural [[Ultravision (spell)|ultravision]]. They are able to produce [[Darkness, 15 ft. radius (spell)|darkness]] at will, encircling their selves with a 20 ft. radius of inky blackness, which can be dispelled only with [[Dispel Magic (spell)|dispel magic]]. They have a very high '''magic resistance''' of 80%.
: '''Ultravision.''' Functions like the spell, but the marilith possesses this naturally and need not invoke it.
If pressed, they have an 85% chance of [[gating]] one or more other demons to their location, or 2–7 manes demons automatically. If choosing the former option, roll randomly (roll a d20) to receive: 3-8 [[Manes|manes]] (1-2), a [[Vrock|vrock]] (3-8), a [[Hezrou|hezrou]] (9-13), a [[Glabrezu|glabrezu]] (14-17) or a [[Nalfeshnee|nalfeshnee]] (18-20).  They cannot gate in more creatures, if those they have gated are still present.
'''Gate.'''  When faced with dire circumstances in [[Combat|combat]], the marilith possesses the power to summon reinforcements through a mystical gate.  If they desire, they have a 100% chance of gating in 2–7 [[Manes|manes]]. If they prefer more powerful allies, they have an 85% chance of success at summoning (roll d20) a [[Vrock|vrock]] (1-8), a [[Hezrou|hezrou]] (9-15), a [[Glabrezu|glabrezu]] (16-19) or a [[Nalfeshnee|nalfeshnee]] (20).  They may gate in manes every round if they so desire, but they can succeed at gating in a more powerful creature only once.
Marilith are also able to [[Charm person (spell)|charm person]], detect invisibility, [[Levitation (spell)|levitate]] and [[Pyrotechnics (spell)|pyrotechnics]]. They are able to create an [[Avatar (spell)|avatar]].  All these abilities can be performed at will, requiring only 1 [[Action Points|action point]] to perform. However, no more than one such power may be performed per [[Combat Round|combat round]]. Most may be performed from round to round, but a given power can’t be put into place if already present.
'''Demonic Possession.'''  Like all demons, marilith are able to take over a host's body dictates its actions until the demon either leaves voluntarily or is evicted by spells such as "[[Exorcism (spell)|exorcise]]" or "[[Abjure (spell)|abjure]]."  The potential victim is entitled to a [[Saving Throws|saving throw vs. paralysis]].
Marilith may not [[Demonic Possession|possess]] creatures that are aware of what they are facing; however, an unconscious creature may be possessed and used as an outer shell to protect the demoness.
'''Magic resistance.'''  A marilith's magic resistance is 80%.  This means that she's immune to any spell cast by a character of less than 7th level.
== Dweomercraft ==
'''Magic to Hit.'''  Marilith are only hit by [[Magic to Hit|+1 magical weapons]] or better.
Most often, summoned marilith are nearly impossible to control, being extraordinarily possessed by the desire to indiscriminately slaughter friend and foe alike. However, they love the prospect of being released upon an earthly battlefield and may be encouraged to fight against an unsuspecting enemy. The “contract” this may create will last so long as the marilith’s allies give it plenty of room and do not inadvertently kill or disable a would-be victim of the demoness. It is therefore not safe to intentionally or accidentally attack any creature within three combat hexes of a marilith.
'''Natural Immunities.'''  Marilith possess an immunity to [[Cold-based Attacks|cold-based]], [[Gas-based Attacks|gas-based]], [[Electricity-based Attacks|electricity-based]] and [[Fire-based Attacks|fire-based]] attacks, including both [[Normal Fire|normal]] and [[Magical Fire|magical]].  They are impervious to [[Charm|charmed]] and [[Sleep (spell)|sleep]]
As the demoness knows that its death on the Prime Material will mean only that it is returned the Abyss, which it views without regret.  Therefore, a marilith facing hundreds of foes may cheerfully fall into a blood rage, that will continue until the marilith is vanquished, or the enemy are dead. Since it can teleport at will, even the flight of victims will not save them from the marilith’s appetite.
Those who falsely believe it is safe to summon a marilith, to kill only a few score enemy, will sorely regret their decision. Unless there are at least a half a thousand enemy immediately visible to the demoness, it will immediately set itself to kill ''everyone'' in its presence, beginning with the summoner if possible.
See also,<br>
[[Cacodaemon (spell)]]<br>
See [[Bestiary]]
[[Category: Needs Rewrite]]
[[Category: Reviewed]]

Latest revision as of 14:56, 12 March 2025

Species chthonic
No. Appearing 1
Behaviour malevolent
Range Abyss, subterranean
Size 7 ft. tall
Weight 425 lbs.
Intelligence 13
Armour Class -6
Hit Dice 12+7
Action Points 8
Max. Stride 8
THAC0 14
Hp/Die 2d4
Attack Forms 6: by weapon type
Damage variable damage
Special Attacks avatar, charm person, darkness, possession,
detect invisibility, gating, levitate, magic
, magic to hit, natural immunities,
pyrotechnics, strength, teleport,

Marilith are sentinel demonesses that inhabit the upper levels of the Abyss, serving a dual role as jailers who confine the damned, and as guards who oppose intruders from other realms. If an outsider dares to venture into the Abyss for any reason, they're bound to encounter one or more mariliths before long.


Standing a towering height of 7 feet, the marilith's lower body is that of a colossal snake, measuring about 18 to 24 ft. in length, typically coiled beneath their form for stability. They have six arms and normally bear a weapon in each, typically a short sword, a rapier, three varieties of scimitar and an ankus — though this is by no means the rule.

Mythology & Origin

Many inaccurately portray mariliths as generals, advisors or tacticians, disregarding the true chaotic essence of the Abyss, a realm utterly devoid of hierarchy. Mariliths do possess an inherent compulsion for destruction, exhibiting cunning and deviousness in their actions. They meticulously plan their initial strikes to gain the utmost advantage. However, contrary to the beliefs of misguided scholars, they don't exert command over other demons.

Their existence extends far back in time, spanning tens of thousands of years, a history that predates recorded accounts. The earliest reference to mariliths can be found in the Ramayana, where they are depicted as servants of Ravana and his demoness sister, Shurpanakha. These mariliths participated in the conflict against Rama, which transpired around 2500 BC, ultimately resulting in their exile to the Abyss, where they have remained ever since, barred from free interaction with the Prime Material Plane.


Summoned mariliths are notoriously difficult to control, driven by an insatiable urge to ruthlessly slay both allies and adversaries alike. Despite this, they relish the opportunity to be unleashed on earthly battlefields and may willingly engage in combat against an unsuspecting enemy. The "contract" formed under these circumstances requires the marilith's allies refrain from inadvertently killing those the demoness has in her sights, which the demon would view as "stealing" the slaughter from its grasp. Therefore, intentionally or accidentally attacking any creature within three combat hexes of a marilith is perilous.

Aware that its demise on the Prime Material results only in a return to the Abyss, a marilith feels no hesitation in taking risks of any sort. Confronted by hordes of foes, the marilith gleefully succumbs to a blood rage that persists until the creature is defeated — or all opposition is eradicated. Its ability to teleport at will ensures that fleeing victims cannot escape the marilith's relentless pursuit.

Those mistakenly assuming it safe to summon a marilith to eliminate only a few enemies soon rue that decision. Unless at least five hundred adversaries are immediately visible to the demoness, it promptly resolves to eliminate everyone present, starting with the summoner if possible.


The marilith possesses a set of innate abilities that it can employ effortlessly, each requiring no more than 1 action point (AP) to activate. It can use these abilities as frequently as it desires. However, it can only employ one such ability per round, so it's judicious in selecting the most advantageous choice.

Strength. Marilith have an 18/51 strength, with +2 to hit and +3 to damage

Magic. These creatures can invoke a range of effects resembling various spells, without the need for traditional spellcasting. These effects include avatar, charm person, darkness, detect invisibility, levitate and pyrotechnics, and the detailed abilities below.

Darkness. Marilith can generate an encompassing darkness, which they like to create to conceal their position from round to round. Their exceptional ability to see perfectly in such darkness is granted by a continuous ultravision. This darkness is so powerful that it cannot be dispelled with light or continual light; rather, dispel magic is necessary.
Teleport. They frequently exploit their teleportation capability, allowing them to traverse the battlefield with ease, often transitioning from place to place more swiftly than traversing a single hex. A favored tactic involves attacking a nearby adversary, teleporting, and then launching further attacks against other foes across the field with their remaining movement.
Ultravision. Functions like the spell, but the marilith possesses this naturally and need not invoke it.

Gate. When faced with dire circumstances in combat, the marilith possesses the power to summon reinforcements through a mystical gate. If they desire, they have a 100% chance of gating in 2–7 manes. If they prefer more powerful allies, they have an 85% chance of success at summoning (roll d20) a vrock (1-8), a hezrou (9-15), a glabrezu (16-19) or a nalfeshnee (20). They may gate in manes every round if they so desire, but they can succeed at gating in a more powerful creature only once.

Demonic Possession. Like all demons, marilith are able to take over a host's body dictates its actions until the demon either leaves voluntarily or is evicted by spells such as "exorcise" or "abjure." The potential victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. paralysis.

Magic resistance. A marilith's magic resistance is 80%. This means that she's immune to any spell cast by a character of less than 7th level.

Magic to Hit. Marilith are only hit by +1 magical weapons or better.

Natural Immunities. Marilith possess an immunity to cold-based, gas-based, electricity-based and fire-based attacks, including both normal and magical. They are impervious to charmed and sleep

See also,
Cacodaemon (spell)