Ice Devil

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Devil (ice)
Species chthonic (devil)
No. Appearing 1–4
Behaviour malevolent
Range Hell, subterranean
Size 10 ft. 6 in. tall
Weight 937 lbs.
Intelligence 14
Armour Class -4
Hit Dice 11
Action Points 6
Max. Stride 8
THAC0 14
Hp/Die d4+d6
Attack Forms 4: two claws; mandibles; tail
Damage claw (1–10); mandibles (4–14); tail (5–20)
Special Attacks detect invisibility, detect magic, fear, fly,
ice storm, magic resistance, magic to hit,
natural immunities, polymorph self,
regeneration, slow, spellcasting, summoning,
teleport, ultravision, wall of ice

Ice devils, also gelegon, are towering devils nearly 11 ft. tall, possessing an insect-like, chitinous exoskeleton that gleams in shades of pale blue and white, often appearing as though covered in frost. Its limbs are long and segmented, ending in sharp claws capable of rending through armour and flesh. A barbed tail extends from the back, which can strike with deadly precision. Its head is a horrifying fusion of insect and fiend, featuring compound eyes that shimmer with an eerie, calculating intelligence. From its brow sprout long, curved antennae that twitch as they sense heat, magic and the fear of its prey. Its maw is lined with thin, needle-like teeth that clatter when it moves, exuding a sense of malevolence.

Ice Devil.jpg


Ice Devils emanate a bone-chilling cold, causing frost to gather on nearby surfaces and draining the warmth from their surroundings. They wield powerful magic tied to their icy nature, freezing enemies in place or altering the battlefield to their advantage with icy terrain. In close combat, they use their claws, tail, and a wicked spear formed of infernal ice, striking with brutal efficiency. They are highly resistant to harm, shrugging off fire and non-magical weapons with ease, and are utterly immune to cold. Their cunning is as dangerous as their physical might, and they are masters of infernal strategy, using intellect and guile to outmanoeuvre their opponents.

These devils are disciplined leaders in the infernal hierarchy, serving as generals and commanders within the armies of the Nine Hells. They are relentless in their pursuit of power, balancing loyalty to their superiors with constant schemes to climb the rigid ladder of devilish authority. In their dealings with mortals, they are manipulative and cruel, offering bargains that often lead to ruin. Their presence alone inspires terror, and their calculated cruelty ensures they are both feared and respected within the infernal realms.


Ice devils have specific abilities that are not spell. They are able to see perfectly well in complete darkness or light. This ultravision is similar to the 2nd level illusionist spell of the same name, except that it is continuous. They are also immune to normal weapons. To cause damage to the creature, it must be with a magic weapon.

Ice devils also have immunity to many elemental attacks, such as those that employ cold, fire or gas of any type. They cannot be charmed, made to sleep or mentally affected in any way. Their minds cannot be read with ESP, or their intentions be otherwise known. Even augury and divination can provide no information on their movement or designs. Ice devils also possess a magic resistance of 55%. They are never surprised.

These creatures are able to employ various magical powers as well, performed at the 11th level: detect invisibility, detect magic, cause fear, fly, ice storm, polymorph self, slow, teleport and wall of ice. These abilities may be performed at will, which means they require no more than 1 action point (AP), though ice devils can employed only one such power per round.

They have a 70% chance of summoning a bone devil and a 30% chance of summoning another ice devil (this is also performed at will). Performing this disallows the employment of their magical powers that round. They resort to this ability only when they are pressed in combat, preferring to give ground and return to Hell rather than bring others forth to fight. They will make rich and continuous use of their teleport ability, moving from place to place in a combat more easily than moving even a single hex. They are known to attack, teleport, then use the remainder of their movement that round to attack again.

Ice devils also naturally regenerate 1 lost hit point of damage per round.

See Bestiary