Species | chthonic (devil) |
No. Appearing | 4–16 |
Behaviour | malevolent |
Range | Gehenna, Hades, ruin |
Size | 6 ft. tall |
Weight | 165 lbs. |
Intelligence | 11 |
Armour Class | 2 |
Hit Dice | 6+6 |
Action Points | 6 |
Max. Stride | 8 |
THAC0 | 17 |
Hp/Die | d8 |
Attack Forms | 1: woven rope or weapon |
Damage | rope (2–8) |
Special Attacks | detect invisibility, entangle, invisibility, locate object, magic resistance, magic to hit, natural immunities, polymorph self, produce fire, strength, summoning, teleport, ultravision, venom |
Erinyes are a type of powerful fiend, also known as the Furies. They are female devils from the Lower Planes of Existence, often portrayed as winged and wearing armor, with faces contorted in rage. Erinyes are agents of vengeance and are sent by greater devils to carry out their masters' will, especially when it involves punishment or torment. They are most often tasked with enforcing retribution, punishing oathbreakers or dealing with those who have betrayed or defied higher powers.
Physically, Erinyes appear as tall, beautiful women with sharp features, often resembling humans but with a terrifying and otherworldly presence. Their wings are often described as bat-like or feathered, and they wield magical weapons such as whips or swords. These whips are typically imbued with magical powers that can inflict intense pain, cause flames to erupt from the target or even curse those struck. They are known for their ability to charm and manipulate others, often using compelling magical abilities to force people into servitude or to break their will.
Erinyes are highly intelligent and manipulative, often acting as temptresses or agents of influence, sowing discord and hatred where they tread. They are capable of casting spells similar to witches, including invisibility, charm person and fireball. Their demeanor is cruel and unforgiving, and they revel in the suffering of others, especially those who have committed moral transgressions. They are often used as bounty hunters or mercenaries within the infernal hierarchy, chasing down those who have escaped divine or infernal punishment.
In combat, they are formidable opponents, skilled with both their magical abilities and combat prowess. They are often encountered in the service of more powerful devils, but they are also known to strike out on their own when tasked with personal vendettas. While not as powerful as other archdevils or devil lords, Erinyes are dangerous and cunning, capable of turning the tide of battle with their charismatic influence and brutal fighting style.
Place of Origin
Erinyes can be found anywhere from the Infernal Regions of Baator to the mortal realm, where they are sent to extract vengeance on those who have wronged their superiors or violated sacred pacts.
Baator is, in this game world, a hidden domain beneath the crumbling ruins of Malbolge, where erinyes luxuriate with their victims, endlessly seducing, otrmenting and manipulating them in an abode where pain is art, where fallen spirits are not simply tortured, but broken, reshaped, and remade inevitably into lemure with no comprehension except hate. As architects of personal ruin, the erinyes are feared, as even horned or barbed devils have been given to them as punishment, ending in these more powerful demons being demoted to yet another lemure through an insidious, inescapable damnation.
Erinyes have specific abilities that are not spells, which they can perform at will at a cost of 1 action point (AP); they can only perform one of these per round, however. They are able to see perfectly well in complete darkness or light. This ultravision is similar to the 2nd level illusionist spell of the same name, except that it is continuous. They are also immune to normal weapons. To cause damage to the creature, it must be with a magic weapon.
They also have immunity to many elemental attacks, such as those that employ cold, fire or gas of any type. They cannot be charmed, made to sleep or mentally affected in any way. Their minds cannot be read with ESP, or their intentions be otherwise known. Even augury and divination can provide no information on their movement or designs. Erinyes also possess a magic resistance of 30%. They are never surprised.
Erinyes are able to employ various magical powers as well, performed at the 7th level: detect invisibility, locate object, invisibility, polymorph self and produce fire. These must be cast as spells and cannot be performed at will.
Like all devils, they can teleport at will, frequently exploiting this to transition from place to place as quickly as traversing a single hex. A favored tactic involves attacking a nearby adversary, teleporting, and then launching further attacks against other foes across the field with their remaining movement.
They have a 25% chance of summoning another erinyes (this is also performed at will). They will resort to this ability only when they are pressed in combat, preferring to give ground and return to Hell rather than bring others forth to fight.
They carry with them a rope that functions like the rope of entanglement magic item, which they can wield as a weapon; their strength of 18/01 (+1 to hit, +3 damage) adds to the effectiveness of this and other weapons they use. If a victim is ensnared by the rope, they prefer either a dirk or a pole arm, which they commonly teleport into their hands at will, when needed.
Either weapon will be dripping with an invasive poison that, if not saved against, will cause the victim to suffer wracking pain for 1-6 rounds, without let up, during which time they are unable to perform any action, speak or even think. There is no known cure for this pain.
See Bestiary