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The descriptions provided below only partially encapsulate player characters.  Traits such as these described often need years of dedication to ascend the ranks and be recognised for their charisma.  Thus, players should not assume that since their charisma matches a given description, that it means they too share in the benefits of it.  Largely, these descriptions should apply to '''non-player characters''' ... while players are welcome to play up to the traits as written, using them as a guideline for how their character responds in given situations.
The descriptions provided below only partially encapsulate player characters.  Traits such as these described often need years of dedication to ascend the ranks and be recognised for their charisma.  Thus, players should not assume that since their charisma matches a given description, that it means they too share in the benefits of it.  Largely, these descriptions should apply to '''non-player characters''' ... while players are welcome to play up to the traits as written, using them as a guideline for how their character responds in given situations.
In large degree, it's advisable for a DM to acknowledge that an exceptionally beautiful or affable individual freely traversing a late medieval setting, assuming roles such as [[Cleric (class)|cleric]], [[Bard (class)|bard]], [[Paladin (class)|paladin]] or [[Druid (class)|druid]], would be perceived as an anomaly.  The world would respond to such a person with a mixture of unease and some degree of [[Awe|awe]].
In large degree, it's advisable for a DM to acknowledge that an exceptionally beautiful or affable individual freely traversing a late medieval setting, assuming roles such as [[Cleric (class)|cleric]], [[Bard (class)|bard]], [[Paladin (class)|paladin]] or [[Druid (class)|druid]], would be perceived as an anomaly.  The world would respond to such a person with a mixture of unease and some degree of [[Awe (effect)|awe]].
=== Ugly (3 pts.) ===
=== Ugly (3 pts.) ===
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This generosity, albeit limited, permits the base individual to engage in open beggary, occasionally even experiencing moments of kindness from passersby. However, aside from this, no other substantial opportunities are readily available to them, except for a modest permission to secure a permanent shelter, albeit an unpleasant one. As before, it remains a rare exception that only assassins would consider offering them the chance to advance in levels, seeing potential in their unique characteristics.
This generosity, albeit limited, permits the base individual to engage in open beggary, occasionally even experiencing moments of kindness from passersby. However, aside from this, no other substantial opportunities are readily available to them, except for a modest permission to secure a permanent shelter, albeit an unpleasant one. As before, it remains a rare exception that only assassins would consider offering them the chance to advance in levels, seeing potential in their unique characteristics.
==== Homely (6 pts.) ====
=== Homely (6 pts.) ===
Reactions may be a sniff of the air and a moderate displeasure; the homely person’s face and body is off-putting, being bent over, gangly and somewhat lopsided. They will have a cheerful smile, however and are seen to be only unfortunate; if met, they’re rarely acknowledged, and even more rarely noticed. Others will usually given them little to no attention.
People's reactions to the homely person may begin with a mere sniff of the air and a moderate sense of displeasure.  The individual's appearance is affected by a bent-over, gangly and somewhat lopsided body, which can be off-putting at first glance. Despite their unassuming shape, they tend to wear a smile to counteract their sense of loneliness; observers typically view them as merely unfortunate souls.
Treatment would consist of benign disinterest. Others would pass on the street with a slight nod, if giving any notice at all. Still, no one challenges their presence in the community. Folk sell them goods, exchange with the person, give a tacit approval and speak well of the person, somewhat.
When encountered, they are rarely acknowledged, and even less frequently noticed, often receiving little to no attention from others. Passersby on the street may offer a slight nod, if any acknowledgment at all. However, almost no one in the community openly challenges their presence. People are willing to engage with them, selling goods, exchanging pleasantries and giving a tacit approval of their place in the community, often speaking well of them.
Generosity provides a form of necessary work, as a gong collector, rat catcher, gravedigger or similar occupation, too mean for an ordinary folk. Some will be levelled; a fighter that’s gone to war; a ranger acting as a gamekeeper; an independent friar; a small-time thief or assassin; perhaps a very private monk, mage or illusionist, in this latter case most likely from far away and without any ties. Most would know nothing of their levelled ability, as they will use their skills infrequently, not wishing to bring attention and perhaps frighten others, who would see them as a threat.
Generosity extends to providing the homely individual with a form of necessary work, such as collecting gong, catching rats or working as a gravedigger — occupations considered too mean for ordinary folk. Those with this charisma may, however, enter professions such as [[Fighter (class)|fighters]] who have gone off to war, a [[Ranger (class)|ranger]] working as an isolated gameskeeper, an independent friar [[Cleric (class)|cleric]] or [[Monk (class)|monk]] or the [[Illusionist (class)|illusionist]] or [[Mage (class)|mage]] denizen of some obscure [[Laboratory|laboratory]] performing unpleasant experiments. Many become [[Thief (class)|thieves]] or assassins.
==== Plain (7 pts.) ====
Because of their appearance, most people remain oblivious to their leveled abilities, as these individuals use their skills sparingly, avoiding drawing attention and potentially frightening others who might perceive them as a threat.  It's also true that out of a sense of loneliness, such persons may engage in subtle, unobtrusive acts of kindness, wishing to help others in need without drawing attention to themselves.
Reactions are lukewarm and indifferent, with a tacit approval that the individual belongs as part of the scene. A mild greeting is normal. Often passed over but usually acknowledged. Plain individuals lack any sort of distinctive feature, with a modest mix of eyes, nose and mouth, suggesting rural habits, honest intents and an artless lack of pretension. They are nodded to or quietly acknowledged as they pass.
Treatment is cooperative, sometimes helpful; persons are likely to remain alone all their lives, but might become a helpmate to a commonplace person or act as a servant in a household. They will be gruff, impatient and bitter. Most know their name; others will listen to their opinions but will put little store by them; occasionally, to gain support, another might ask a plain person to give their opinion.
=== Plain (7 pts.) ===
Reactions toward the plain individual tend to be lukewarm and indifferent, with a tacit approval that they belong as an integral part of the scene.  It is customary to offer a mild greeting when encountering them, and they are usually acknowledged, though they may occasionally be passed over.  Plain individuals lack any sort of distinctive features, their countenance comprising a modest blend of eyes, nose, and mouth, which suggests rural habits, honest intentions, and an artless lack of pretension. As they pass by, they are often greeted with nods or quiet acknowledgments from those they encounter.
Generosity includes, as said, with opportunities to be a servant. Most often, they work for family. As mages and illusionists, they may set up a tiny, unobtrusive shop, that will receive few customers. Some are morticians. A cleric will be an unpleasant deacon, managing a few pupils. A fighter will be a private guard for a single employer ~ and never part of a larger entity, where they would not get along with others. A ranger is most likely to act alone in some capacity, as hunters or private wardens. Assassins or thieves would roam as solitary criminals. Most common plain persons would have mediocre, painstaking work to do, with little to look forward to day-to-day.
Treatment of plain individuals is generally cooperative, sometimes even helpful, as they are seen as reliable and unassuming. These individuals are likely to lead solitary lives, though some may become helpmates to commonplace individuals or find employment as servants in households, most often working for a single family for an extended duration.  Their steady and reliable nature makes them often taken for granted, for it's recognised they have no where else to go.
They tend to exhibit gruff, impatient and occasionally bitter dispositions. Persons in the community may listen to their opinions, but rarely do they place any significance on them.  On rare occasions, a person might seek the input of a plain individual in an attempt to gain support or consensus, recognizing their practical and straightforward approach to matters. For most common plain persons, life involves the monotonous and painstaking completion of work with little to look forward to in their day-to-day existence, emphasizing the practical and uneventful nature of their lives.
==== Commonplace (8 pts.) ====
Reactions will tend to be welcoming, if muted. While not noticed as an important person by any means, commonplace persons will be granted the same initial reception as anyone else. In appearance, they’re merely people. It will be noticed by such persons, perhaps because they come closer than those with less charisma, that there are “average folks” who are friendly and gentry who tend to overlook such persons. Commonplace persons will generally find love with others of their charisma and social standing.
Treatment is an everyday acceptance, as the individual will most likely have an extended family, responsibilities, a plot of land, a secondary skill, and compatriots of about the same level of charisma. Most others in their immediate orbit will treat them with belonging. Outsiders, particularly the gentry, will treat them with some level of disdain, as poor folks.
As mages and illusionists, some plain individuals may establish tiny, unobtrusive shops specializing in their craft, though they receive few customers due to their unassuming nature. Others might find their calling as morticians, handling the somber affairs of the deceased. A cleric among them may serve as an unpleasant deacon, overseeing a few pupils with a stern disposition.  Fighters often work as private guards, dedicating their loyalty to a single employer and rarely associating with larger entities where they might clash with others. Rangers are more likely to operate independently, pursuing roles as hunters or private wardens of the land. Assassins or thieves among them roam as solitary criminals, carrying out their clandestine activities in the shadows.  Humility is a defining trait, as they rarely seek attention or recognition.  Rarely do such persons leave home and set out abroad, finding contentment in their work and familiar community.
Generosity dictates their lives will revolve around work, seasonal events, births, deaths and little opportunity past their mundane lives. However, this offers a comfort, as well as knowledge that although their lives are dull, they are sound and productive. Most levels conform to their kind, performing what skills they have for the benefit of their kin. Clerics alone stand out; with this level of charisma, they are accepted as minor priests and functionaries inside the [[Church System|church system]], though rarely do they ever become important and never do they preach to a wide [[Congregation (religious)|congregation]].
=== Commonplace (8 pts.) ===
Reactions toward commonplace individuals tend to be welcoming, albeit somewhat muted. While they are not perceived as important figures by any means, with the reception of others tending towards forgettable. In appearance, they blend seamlessly into the crowd.  Commonplace individuals may notice that there are "average folks"' who are friendly and approachable, while those of higher social standing may tend to overlook or underestimate them.
==== Neighbourly (9 pts.) ====
In matters of romance and relationships, commonplace individuals often find love and companionship with others of similar charisma and social standing, as they share common experiences and a sense of belonging within their social circles. Individuals typically have an extended family, along with various responsibilities such as tending to their plot of land or pursuing a secondary skill to support their livelihood. They often have compatriots and friends with a similar level of charisma and social standing.  Within their immediate community, these individuals are generally treated with a sense of belonging.
Reactions will be a strong salutation, followed by several interested questions before personable matters are dropped in favour of other things. A neighbour is rugged, fine to look at, with a gentle charm. No strong bond is evident, but even with strangers there’s a sense by appearance, expression and stance that this is at least a fellow countryman, individual or person of similar breeding to the norm. Some consideration is paid by the gentry to a neighbour; but a stranger among the gentry will give no notice. A neighbour might find love among others with a point more in charisma and a social standing slightly higher.
Treatment is a low-born respect, as they have excelled somewhat among their commonplace peers. They’re given the best tables at the worker’s tavern, they are respected by guards and by officials. Their weddings are usually publicly celebrated; and at festivals they are often chosen first to compete in games. To the gentry, they are treated as peaceable, but rarely are their names remembered.
Outsiders, particularly those of higher social class, treat them with a certain level of disdain, often viewing them as "unwashed folks" due to their humble nature. Their lives revolve around work, seasonal events, births and deaths, offering them little opportunity beyond their mundane daily routines. Community work is very important to them, as is respect for tradition. However, this predictable existence provides a sense of comfort and assurance, knowing that while their lives may be uneventful, they are stable and productive.
Generosity permits these lower middle class persons are upstanding members of their [[Guild|guilds]], [[Town Watch|town watchmen]] and minor officials. Some are farmer leaders and foremen; most are not, and at best lower level authority is all a few are offered. They do lead healthy lives, however, and can usually trace their family half a dozen generations, at least, into the past.
Most levelled persons conform to their kind, utilizing their skills for the benefit of their families and communities. Among them, clerics alone stand out.  With their level of charisma, they are accepted as minor priests and functionaries within the church system. However, it's rare for them to attain any significant ecclesiastical importance, and they almost never preach to a wide congregation.
=== Neighbourly (9 pts.) ===
==== Friendly (10 pts.) ====
Reactions to the neighborly person are marked by a warm salutation from familiar persons, often followed by a series of engaged and interested questions before transitioning to other topics. These individuals present themselves as rugged and fine to look at, exuding a gentle charm. While there may not be an overt display of strong bonds, there's a subtle sense, conveyed through appearance, expression, and stance, that this person is at least a fellow member of the community.  
Reactions to such persons will be a strong hail, with others going out of their way in public places to make sure a greeting occurs. A friendly fellow smiles, is easy to talk to, will laugh at a joke and is open to what others want to talk about. They will be more sympathetic, causing others to express their like and appreciation often. Friendly persons find committed love among others up to a 12 charisma, with a fair status above their own. They may dabble in relationships with persons up to 14.
Treatment is kindness, as they pass on the street. Well spoken of, they are friendly with guards and officials, Gentry are apt to notice them and converse for a moment or two.
Some consideration is paid by a member of the gentry to the person, reflecting a modicum of respect or acknowledgment of their presence. However, a stranger among the gentry is unlikely to give any notice. These neighbourly persons often find love and companionship among others with a slightly higher charisma score and a social standing that may be marginally higher, forging connections that bridge the gap between their world and more socially relevant persons.
Generosity enables them to become relatively successful, giving them strong houses, yards, comforts for their children and contact with family in other parts. They are more in low-level positions of authority, particularly in guilds; a reeve or hayward might be friendly, as well as a head guard, a local [[Apothecary|apothecary]], a kindly minister or a willing scout and guide.
Treatment is marked by a low-born respect, as they've excelled somewhat among their commonplace peers.  They're accorded the best tables at the worker's tavern, respected by guards, and held in esteem by local officials. Their weddings are typically celebrated publicly, and at festivals, they're often chosen as the first participants in games and competitions — because they're viewed as unthreatening and common.
Generosity permits them to become upstanding members of their guilds, integral to the town watch and serve as minor officials in their communities.  While some may attain positions as farmer leaders and foremen, the majority reach no higher than lower-level authority roles. Nevertheless, they lead healthy lives, typically tracing their family histories back half a dozen generations or more into the past.
==== Affable (11 pts.) ====
Reactions by others, upon greetings, will include genuine concern for the affable person’s situation, while others will certainly beg the person’s good wishes. Folk will gather as they appear at a tavern or in the market place, to share stories. These persons may find committed love from anyone, and are often [[Courting (love)|courted]].
Treatment often includes others that laugh at their jokes and see them as important residents in the community, or as interesting persons that are passing through. Buying a drink for an affable person is a common request.
=== Friendly (10 pts.) ===
Reactions to friendly individuals are marked by a strong and warm greeting, often with others going out of their way in public places to ensure that a friendly exchange occurs. A friendly fellow naturally wears a welcoming smile, is easy to talk to, and readily appreciates humor, which makes them open to a wide range of conversations. Their inherent sympathy often elicits expressions of like and appreciation from those they interact with.
Generosity enables them to set up independent workshops or become senior members of guilds, while they are often approached with duties for the village or local quarter. They will often agree to become toastmasters or to head a small welcoming committee. Levelled persons are celebrated for their skills and are often encouraged to send their children to distant places for training.
In matters of love and companionship, friendly individuals typically find committed relationships among those with charisma scores up to 12, with a social status that is generally fair and slightly above their own. Occasionally, they may dabble in relationships with individuals possessing charisma scores of up to 14.
As they pass on the street, friendly individuals are treated with kindness by those they encounter. Their reputation is favorable, and their name is often spoken with appreciation within the community. They maintain friendly relations with guards and local officials, who regard them with courtesy. Even members of the gentry are prone to take notice of them, engaging in brief but pleasant conversations that extend beyond mere formalities.
==== Warm-hearted (12 pts.) ====
Reactions will be to approach the individual with concerns for the person’s welfare and situation, most likely offering a good meal upon greeting if known to the area, in an attempt to share company with the person. Others will be anxious to share news, tell the latest gossip and positively remark on the warm-hearted person’s appearance and anything new they might see.
Treatment encourages these people to sit and converse, which they will do while their friends will assume their workload. Warm-hearted people provide emotional sustenance and encouragement to others, who treat them as special benefactors.
They tend to achieve a measure of success, allowing them to secure comfortable homes with yards and provide a nurturing environment for their children.  They maintain contact with family members in other parts.  Within their communities, friendly individuals often hold low-level positions of authority, particularly within guilds. They might be a reeve or hayward, or a head guard, a local [[Apothecary|apothecary]] known for his or her kindness, a minister with a welcoming disposition, or a scout and guide who willingly offers assistance and guidance.
Generosity will make allowances, so that in times of hardship they are given welfare and support, both for them and their families. They are rarely evicted; someone will find a way to create work for them or pay their rent. If necessary, they will be given light duties to perform on behalf of the town. In general, however, they rise to be important leaders of guilds, associations and collectives. Many will use their personalities to ensure receiving training when they are quite young.
=== Affable (11 pts.) ===
Reactions by others to these people are marked by genuine concern for the person's well-being, with others often seeking their good wishes. Their presence tends to draw people together, leading folk to gather at taverns or in marketplaces to share stories and enjoy their company. It's customary for others to buy them a drink, as a small gesture of appreciation. Affable persons frequently find themselves [[Courting (love)|courted]] and may form committed love relationships with a wide range of individuals, as their warm and approachable nature naturally attracts those seeking companionship.
The company of these individuals is often marked by laughter at their jokes, and they are regarded as interesting residents for outsiders passing through. They're apt to lend their neighbours a hand, or give comfort to a widow, or serve as mentors and advisors to younger members of their guilds or the road where they live. They excel in resolving conflicts between others, while engaging in other charitable acts. Their very nature has enabled them to travel, as finding lodging with a far-flung family member or former associate is always possible.
==== Social (13 pts.) ====
Reactions will be for strangers to notice the person as they move up the street and to introduce themselves politely, even if they are strangers. Those of 8 or less charisma will hang back, intimidated. If known to the area, invitations to important events will often occur, with promises that a special table will be arranged, or a space at the head table. The gentry will view the individual as one of their own.
Treatment insists they have a special set of gifts that enable them to liaison between different customs and circles, as they are welcomed often even by those with which they share little in common. They are listened to fervently, their words are considered to be truth and rarely are they successfully questioned in public.
They tend to establish independent workshops or ascend to senior positions within guilds, leveraging their skills and amiable personalities. Additionally, they are frequently approached with various duties for the village or local quarter, and they often agree to take on roles such as toastmasters or heading small welcoming committees to foster community spirit.
Generosity encourages them to set aside labour entirely and be organizers, courtiers, hosts, social reformers, political leaders and others like voices. They are very busy. They move behind doors where those with less charisma would hardly be allowed. They exist in large enough numbers that they make up the majority of the cultural hoi polloi. Those lacking skills may still move in these corridors, though less well ~ somehow, on charm, they get by.
Leveled individuals among them are celebrated for their exceptional personalities. They're encouraged to send their children to distant places for the best educations, with the community helping to provide support for that purpose.
=== Warm-hearted (12 pts.) ===
==== Chivalrous (14 pts.) ====
Reactions to the warm-hearted individual are marked by a genuine concern for their well-being and situation. Many people, especially those familiar with the area, are inclined to offer a hearty meal upon greeting, hoping to share pleasant company with this kind-hearted person. Others eagerly approach, eager to share news and tell the latest gossip; in return they receive positive remarks that might inspire a compliment or eagerness to hear more. The character is often praised, while their absence is dearly missed.
Reactions of all persons, except the gentry, will be somewhat intimidated, but nevertheless very welcoming. There will be a distinct use of genuflection (show deference) from those of 10 or less charisma, while others will hail and engage in short, polite conversations. Invitations, when they occur, will occasionally arise from the middle classes and the gentry, but the lower classes will be satisfied to gaze on the person from afar. Shopkeepers will rush to please.
Treatment of these persons is a mixture of homage and appreciation for their contributions. These are especially celebrated entities whose capabilities outweigh the gentry around them. They move about in carriages, with retainers and hangers-on, with others who appeal to them for moments of their time.
Others flock to the atmosphere surrounding these people, where others like to sit and converse.  In their jobs or daily chores, others are ready to step forward and help share their labours, permitting an active and productive symbiosis. They receive small gifts from benefactors, who speak of their giving as an honour, while expecting no remuneration in return.
Generosity enables them to become captains of the guard, respected courtiers, persons in charge of the finances and running of the area; though of course, subordinate to aristocrats with titles. Those without special knowledge or [[Wisdom (ability stat)|wisdom]] are given duties that fit their limited skills.
Some have a natural talent for storytelling, or as organisers for community festivals and fairs.  Among their family, they are a glue holding siblings and distant relations together.
These individuals willingly make allowances for others, always ready to extend a helping hand during times of hardship, providing welfare and support not only for family but also for friends and mere acquaintances. They're rarely evicted, even if months overdue; and others often find a way to make sure the debt is paid.  Sometimes, these people are approached with offers of lighter, better paying work — and in like manner, they're often able to make arrangements for education from elder peers or ancestors.
==== Fair (15 pts.) ====
Reactions of the non-gentry will be muted and deeply respectful, accepting company if it is given but never seeking to impose. The gentry will, if given the opportunity, seek to adopt the person, bringing them around to the house, introducing them to children of marriageable age, encouraging the person to begin in business or some other respectable activity. The gentry will, in fact, be something of a pest in this regard.
Treatment begins to reflect the relative rarity of these persons. As persons of consequence, they do not have to work so hard as their lesser peers to be heard in the halls of power. Even if they are not especially bright, they are usually found a place, as they are a pleasure to be near, for persons of great stature.
=== Social (13 pts.) ===
Strangers will notice the person as they move along, often stepping forward to introduce themselves politely, as if hoping that by meeting this individual, they'll somehow improve their own situations.  Those with charisma ratings of 8 or lower tend to hang back, feeling a sense of intimidation in the presence of such a captivating personality. If the person is well-known in the area, invitations to important events become commonplace, often accompanied by promises of a special table arrangement or a reserved space at the head table. Even among the gentry, the individual is regarded as one of their own, further solidifying their status as a highly respected and influential figure.
Generosity allows many who do not have skills to marry into the upper echelons. Some may obtain power through less savoury means, as gigolos and courtesans ~ but most exploit their skills while around them, they are celebrated for their personalities alone.
With their exceptional gifts of communication and social finesse, others frequently entrust them with duties as speakers, negotiators, or agents; and despite their own doubts, they consistently find success in these roles, making the most of their charismatic presence to navigate various situations and achieve positive outcomes.  They're listened to avidly, and are treated very well, praised often and are easily trusted.  For this reason they drift into becoming advisors or confidents.
For all these reasons, these social individuals lead very busy lives. They navigate behind doors and within circles where those with lower charisma would hardly gain admittance. In fact, they form the majority of the cultural elite within their community. Even those who may lack specific skills find a place within these corridors of power, relying on their charm and social adeptness to thrive.
==== Beautiful (16 pts.) ====
Reactions will be strong and highly appreciative. Most persons, even the gentry, will tend to give space and respectfully give acknowledgement. All persons, from the shopkeeper up to and including the gentry, will show varying levels of making room, giving attention or otherwise dashing about as they serve and attend to the person. The single exception will be persons with legitimate power and title, who will view the person as a person to know and to engage with.
Many find pleasure in becoming patrons of the arts or industry, using their standing to establish connections and networks to connect persons of income with creative and informed individuals.
Treatment demonstrates that these are likely the most beautiful persons that ordinary people will ever see in person. Even at that, they are rarely viewed directly; most of the time, they will protect their appearance with privacy, not because they are truly threatened, as they usually surrounded, but rather because their beauty disturbs persons.
=== Chivalrous (14 pts.) ===
Others who meet such persons, except among the gentry, are mixed by an air of intimidation, combined with a slightly unbelieving but genuine sense of welcome.  Those with charisma ratings of 10 or less often show deference through genuflection, a clear display of their respect and admiration. Those of higher charisma hail the individual and engage in short yet polite conversations. While invitations to events occasionally come from the middle classes and gentry, the lower classes are content to admire the person from a distance, and shopkeepers eagerly rush to please, recognizing the significance of their presence.
Generosity ensures that most of them are directly connected with court or with persons of power and title. Generally, they will escape the provinces for the comparatively comfortable life to be had in capitals. They may be enlightened persons of consequence, or they may surrender that to become manipulators behind the scenes, moving less attractive persons as puppets.
These individuals receive treatment that's a harmonious blend of homage and appreciation for their presence and any personal skills and gifts they might have. As well-known entities, they must sometimes be careful not to shame the common gentry in mixed company.  A few nobles, for certain, are among their acquaintances; their name is known at court. Good fortune and opportunity dog their steps, so that they're able to move about in carriages, attended by followers and devoted admirers, honoured to be in their presence.
<br>[[File:Charisma-04-dark prince.jpg|thumb|left|360px|]]
As they're listened to closely, they become philosophers of a kind with their observations.  Some are granted an [[Heraldry, Signs & Sigils (sage study)|heraldic symbol]] representing their family, for some service they've performed.
==== Graceful (17 pts.) ====
Reactions will be distant; most persons, except those with power and title, will consider themselves inadequate to hold discourse with the person. Less attractive persons will be pushed out of the person’s presence; an aura of space will expand around the person should they go anywhere. Those with power and title will suggest paths towards marriage or political power.
Chance and generosity has opened doors to prominent rolls in the community, where they have a chance to become honourary [[Captain of the Guard|captains of the guard]], master or [[Lord of Misrule|mistress of ceremonies]] for festivals and great events, or [[Cupbearer|cupbearer]] at the table of a noble. They're always assigned some role that aligns with their skills and expertise, or into some role that's important but anyone can perform.
Treatment is hushed and reverential. It will be difficult to speak directly to lesser persons, who will describe themselves as unworthy. The degree of intimidation others feel will be very high.
=== Fair (15 pts.) ===
Reactions to a fair person are often marked by admiration and a natural attraction due to their physical beauty. Their appearance is striking, touched with symmetrical features, radiant skin and a captivating presence. Reactions to this person by the non-gentry are typically muted and deeply respectful.  They accept company if it's offered but never seek to impose themselves on others.
Generosity will lead them to become lords and ladies through marriage, or by gifts bestowed upon them. Paladins will be profound, unusually prized members of court, as their appearance is startling and tends to strike even courtiers with astonishment.
Among the major gentry and lesser nobility, the individual often garners significant interest.  If given the opportunity, the nobility will seek to include the person in their social circles, bringing the opportunity for him or her to become a courtier.  An introduction to a wealthy or entitled marriagable partner is always in order. In fact, the gentry, and even some of the nobility, might be a pest in this regard.
When they are individuals of consequence, they don't have to exert as much effort as their lesser peers to be heard in influential circles, or to achieve posts of recognition.  Even if they aren't exceptional or accomplished, they often find a high position simply because their presence is so desired by the great in stature.
==== Bewitching (18 pts.) ====
Reactions will be something approaching [[Awe (effect)|awe]]. It will be generally held belief that a person cannot be so charismatic without having some special powers, to charm, beguile or fascinate persons out of all safety. In some quarters among the gentry, there will be an unspoken, strong resentment, that may be problematic in the right circumstances. Lower establishments will refuse to serve, considering themselves unworthy. An ordinary life is possible only through disguise.
There is a dark side also, for some individuals of such appearance realise their capacity for the manipulation of others. Not only do they move through the halls of power making arrangements of vice and subterfuge, some actually become much-sought-after concubines, gigolos and courtesans — while continuing to enjoy the benefits of their fair appearance, until debauchery or time brings that to an end.
Treatment is exceptional and mystifying. Such persons are probably never ordinarily seen by even gentry; their incongruous presence is eerie and unnatural. Even kings and queens are made humble by their appearance and their personalities. Because of this, persons of this appearance are vulnerable. They will often wear a mask or covering of some type, to minimize their outward effect.
=== Beautiful (16 pts.) ===
Once the individual has achieved some recognition for their accomplishments, even the gentry will consider themselves to be unworthy of the person's attention. From shopkeepers to the upper echelons of society, people will exhibit various degrees of attentiveness, usually tripping over themselves to provide service.  The exception are persons with legitimate power and titles, who view the person as someone worth knowing and engaging. He or she will be known to the monarch of the realm, and if an excuse presents itself through the individual's actions, an opportunity to meet the royal personage will be found.
Generosity of their charisma enables them to become master manipulators behind the scenes. A few become usurpers. Each is an entity onto themselves, defying categorization.
The individual's elegance and demeanour, and taste, often sets a new fashion trend once some status has been achieved.  Additionally, because of their striking beauty, they'll often use accessories like masks, veils or open helmets to partly conceal their features.  Their beauty, unshielded, has a profound effect on others; after all, this person is often considered one of the most beautiful individuals that ordinary folk have ever seen.  Some will feel discomfort, or a sense of being overwhelmed, by the character's beauty.
With a certain level of experience and exposure to society, it is almost certain that this person will acquire some form of title or recognition, primarily due to the force of their personality and presence. However, those who possess wisdom or intelligence may become increasingly irritated by the constant flattery and superficiality of court life. They may feel a strong urge to retreat to a more private and fulfilling life in the provinces, seeking a deeper and more meaningful existence away from the shallowness of the glamorous and fawning social scene.
See [[Player Characters]]
Sometimes, this leads to them grappling with their social responsibility, as they know that by appearing in person, they're able to influence the actions of others, despite the unpleasantness of that association.
=== Breathtaking (17 pts.) ===
Reactions to the person are marked by admiration and enchantment, as their physical appearance is nothing short of breathtaking.  Their beauty transcends mere physical attractiveness and encompasses an aura of grace and allure that captivates those around them. People naturally find it difficult to look away.  Treatment of beautiful individuals is overwhelmingly positive, with others showing deep respect and admiration for their extraordinary charm and grace.  They are often granted privileges and opportunities simply because of their unparalleled beauty. However, their inner qualities, such as kindness and humility, also contribute to their positive treatment by others.
In the presence of this breathtaking individual, most people, from shopkeepers to guards, often consider themselves unworthy to engage in conversation with them. Ordinary folk feel at a loss for words when attempting to communicate with them.  An aura of space seems to naturally expand in public, as crowds instinctively give way, as if compelled by an unseen force. The treatment they receive is typically hushed and reverential, emphasizing the profound impact their presence has on those around them.
Paladins and others who hold strong convictions often profess their unwavering dedication and willingness to lay down their lives for this extraordinary individual. Suitors, drawn by their undeniable allure, come from far and wide, particularly if the character becomes established in an estate or at court. The captivating charisma of this person tends to attract not only admirers but also individuals willing to go to great lengths to be in their presence.
=== Bewitching (18 pts.) ===
In the presence of this bewitching individual, reactions border on awe. There's a widely held belief that someone with such extraordinary charisma must possess special powers to charm, beguile, or captivate others beyond the boundaries of safety. Among certain circles of the gentry, there may be an unspoken, simmering resentment that could potentially lead to problems in the right circumstances.
Lesser establishments, considering themselves unworthy, knowing the presence of such an amazing person will disrupt business and create conflicts, may outright refuse to serve this enigmatic person. Maintaining an ordinary life is possible only through the art of disguise, as their exceptional allure draws both admiration and fear from those around them.
The treatment of such bewitching individuals is truly exceptional and mystifying.  Their presence is so extraordinary that they move about in a mist of isolation, while all around them are bowing low or hiding their faces in shame.  The incongruous grace and beauty of the character affects observers as eerie and unnatural.  Even kings and queens are humbled by the presence and captivating personalities — and may seek to abandon their partners or even their thrones for just one evening with the individual.
The unique abilities and the enigmatic nature of such individuals enable them to create intricate networks of manipulation and pretense around themselves.  This affords them opportunities to influence and even undermine great souls, destabilize royal families, usurp thrones and wreak havoc on national diplomacy, among other things. Their charismatic allure becomes a potent tool in the realm of power and intrigue.
See also,<br>
[[Player Characters]]<br>
[[Primary Attributes]]
[[Category: Reviewed]]

Revision as of 01:39, 3 October 2023

Charisma Adjustment to Morale Max. # Henchmen
3-4 +3 1
5 +3 2
6 +2 2
7 +2 3
8 +1 3
9-11 nil 4
12-13 nil 5
14 -1 6
15 -2 7
16 -2 8
17 -3 9
18 -3 10

Charisma is an ability stat measuring the character's combined physical appearance, persuasiveness and personal magnetism. The attribute spans a spectrum that ranges from a lack of positive characteristics to an impressive array of social acumen. In the course of interactions with non-player characters (NPCs), including hirelings, followers, ordinary individuals, officials and a diverse array of creatures and monsters, the outcome is determined through the individual's charisma.

Charisma (ability stat) 01.jpg

The table shown indicates the adjustment to the standard morale of hirelings and followers, and also the maximum number of henchfolk that a character can ultimately receive as they gain levels. These latter are considered fanatically loyal additions to the levelled character's entourage; their loyalty is unaffected by the liege's charisma. Note that the henchfolk number also applies as the maximum number of henchfolk, or henchfolk of henchfolk, can attend the player character while running in the campaign.

It's essential to understand that an increase in morale does not signify improvement; rather, it indicates the number on a 2d6 roll that must be achieved for a non-player character to maintain their resolve in combat.

The assessment of charisma aims to gauge the influence of the ability stat on how others respond to the individual, their spontaneous interactions and the degree of generosity which strangers convey to the character on account of their general looks and personality. Towards this end, an explanation of charisma follows, in which each point value is described in detail. These generalised descriptions can then serve as foundational insights into the traits that individuals would likely possess, matching their particular charisma stat. This serves as a starting point for further extrapolations and a deeper understanding of the characteristics associated along the spectrum of 3 to 18 points.

Trait Spectrum

Individuals with a low charisma typically evoke revulsion and aversion, receiving disdain and often ostracism or exclusion from social gatherings and organisations. Conversely, those with high charisma are met with warmth and intrigue, regarded as desirable, and allowed to frequently ascend to positions of authority and trust within various organisations.

The descriptions provided below only partially encapsulate player characters. Traits such as these described often need years of dedication to ascend the ranks and be recognised for their charisma. Thus, players should not assume that since their charisma matches a given description, that it means they too share in the benefits of it. Largely, these descriptions should apply to non-player characters ... while players are welcome to play up to the traits as written, using them as a guideline for how their character responds in given situations.

In large degree, it's advisable for a DM to acknowledge that an exceptionally beautiful or affable individual freely traversing a late medieval setting, assuming roles such as cleric, bard, paladin or druid, would be perceived as an anomaly. The world would respond to such a person with a mixture of unease and some degree of awe.

Ugly (3 pts.)

Reactions are typically a blend of repugnance and horror, as their appearance is often characterised by features that are grotesque, frightful or ghastly. Their unusual colouration, accompanied by a foul odour and outward indications that hint of illness — even if none is present — are profoundly repellent and trigger an intense aversion in those who encounter them. Societies often treat such persons as omens of bad luck or curses.

Such individuals often face harsh treatment, as their unattractive appearance often leads to behaviours characterised by manic tendencies, aggression, neediness and difficulties in clear communication, often attributed to the shape of their mouths and a lack of self-confidence. Others frequently respond with contempt, disrespect, abuse and verbal derision, making mockery a common and unfortunate response. Generosity is almost entirely absent when it comes to these individuals, and it's exceedingly rare for them to be offered opportunities to secure a livelihood, except in roles that are generally considered wretched or exceedingly unpleasant. They frequently become victims of individuals who heartlessly exploit their dire circumstances. In other cases, their appearance renders them too repulsive even to engage in begging, leaving them with no alternative but to resort to scavenging for sustenance.

Occasionally, a few are taken under the wing of those willing to train them as assassins, as that remains the sole character class that these individuals can aspire to become, given that no other profession sees fit to offer them training or acceptance. This urges such persons to acquire a great hate for society, such that criminal or murderous activities seem justified and satisfying.

Ill-favoured (4 pts.)

Reactions to individuals of this nature typically involve a strong sense of aversion and a reluctance to engage with them, as those who are ill-favored often present themselves with visible physical disfigurements, signs of mental distress, or noticeable mutilations in their appearance. Many of them exhibit a deathly pallor, disheveled and straggling hair, off-set eyes, or carry a noticeable, unpleasant odor, which often prompts an initial response of abhorrence. Nevertheless, on rare occasions, there might be a slight softening of their appearance, compelling another person to feel a sense of pity for the unfortunate individual.

Treatment of these ill-favored individuals tends to be inflexible, as they cannot easily control their boorish mannerisms, unusual speech patterns, or their misuse of language. They often find themselves shuffling from place to place, relying on handouts for survival and burdened with a pervasive sense of shame and loneliness. While there may be little outright hatred directed towards them, they are more commonly met with callous disregard. Yet despite the odds stacked against them, these persons tend to be less cringing, striving to adapt as well as they can with a challenging existence.

Generosity towards these ill-favored individuals is limited, with only rare instances of assistance during times of dire need. Some might find shelter in a drafty stable or behind a stoop, especially during harsh weather. However, opportunities for gainful employment are typically denied to them, leaving begging as their primary means of survival. As before, it remains that these individuals often gravitate towards the shadows, attracting the attention of assassins who seek individuals with the unique combination of characteristics necessary to shape them into heartless killers.

Base (5 pts.)

As a person lacking moral fibre, reactions toward this individual are marked by a hesitation to outright shun them, yet a strong inclination to push them along in an effort to relieve themselves of the person's unwanted presence. The base character exhibits a vulgar appearance, often appearing unclean with a lingering whiff of odor. Their disagreeable countenance and posture often evoke sharp displeasure or dismay in others, who urge them to move on and tend to their own affairs elsewhere. While distaste is relatively rare, it is not uncommon for others to react with discomfort or annoyance at the individual's presence.

Treatment of the base individual often includes distaste and an urge to cross the street or take alternate routes to avoid encountering them, although not everyone feels this way. Their presence can elicit daily jests at their expense, though these jests are generally good-natured rather than cruel in intent. Additionally, some members of the community habitually treat the person as "a part" of their surroundings, though this sense of familiarity is born more out of routine than genuine warmth or affection.

This mixed reaction is often accompanied by a degree of sympathy, occasionally supported by small acts of charity. Some may offer a coin or provide directions to a nearby proprietor where the base person can acquire a bit of bread, reflecting a subtle acknowledgment of their circumstances and a willingness to extend a helping hand.

This generosity, albeit limited, permits the base individual to engage in open beggary, occasionally even experiencing moments of kindness from passersby. However, aside from this, no other substantial opportunities are readily available to them, except for a modest permission to secure a permanent shelter, albeit an unpleasant one. As before, it remains a rare exception that only assassins would consider offering them the chance to advance in levels, seeing potential in their unique characteristics.

Homely (6 pts.)

People's reactions to the homely person may begin with a mere sniff of the air and a moderate sense of displeasure. The individual's appearance is affected by a bent-over, gangly and somewhat lopsided body, which can be off-putting at first glance. Despite their unassuming shape, they tend to wear a smile to counteract their sense of loneliness; observers typically view them as merely unfortunate souls.

When encountered, they are rarely acknowledged, and even less frequently noticed, often receiving little to no attention from others. Passersby on the street may offer a slight nod, if any acknowledgment at all. However, almost no one in the community openly challenges their presence. People are willing to engage with them, selling goods, exchanging pleasantries and giving a tacit approval of their place in the community, often speaking well of them.

Generosity extends to providing the homely individual with a form of necessary work, such as collecting gong, catching rats or working as a gravedigger — occupations considered too mean for ordinary folk. Those with this charisma may, however, enter professions such as fighters who have gone off to war, a ranger working as an isolated gameskeeper, an independent friar cleric or monk or the illusionist or mage denizen of some obscure laboratory performing unpleasant experiments. Many become thieves or assassins.

Because of their appearance, most people remain oblivious to their leveled abilities, as these individuals use their skills sparingly, avoiding drawing attention and potentially frightening others who might perceive them as a threat. It's also true that out of a sense of loneliness, such persons may engage in subtle, unobtrusive acts of kindness, wishing to help others in need without drawing attention to themselves.

Plain (7 pts.)

Reactions toward the plain individual tend to be lukewarm and indifferent, with a tacit approval that they belong as an integral part of the scene. It is customary to offer a mild greeting when encountering them, and they are usually acknowledged, though they may occasionally be passed over. Plain individuals lack any sort of distinctive features, their countenance comprising a modest blend of eyes, nose, and mouth, which suggests rural habits, honest intentions, and an artless lack of pretension. As they pass by, they are often greeted with nods or quiet acknowledgments from those they encounter.

Treatment of plain individuals is generally cooperative, sometimes even helpful, as they are seen as reliable and unassuming. These individuals are likely to lead solitary lives, though some may become helpmates to commonplace individuals or find employment as servants in households, most often working for a single family for an extended duration. Their steady and reliable nature makes them often taken for granted, for it's recognised they have no where else to go.

They tend to exhibit gruff, impatient and occasionally bitter dispositions. Persons in the community may listen to their opinions, but rarely do they place any significance on them. On rare occasions, a person might seek the input of a plain individual in an attempt to gain support or consensus, recognizing their practical and straightforward approach to matters. For most common plain persons, life involves the monotonous and painstaking completion of work with little to look forward to in their day-to-day existence, emphasizing the practical and uneventful nature of their lives.

As mages and illusionists, some plain individuals may establish tiny, unobtrusive shops specializing in their craft, though they receive few customers due to their unassuming nature. Others might find their calling as morticians, handling the somber affairs of the deceased. A cleric among them may serve as an unpleasant deacon, overseeing a few pupils with a stern disposition. Fighters often work as private guards, dedicating their loyalty to a single employer and rarely associating with larger entities where they might clash with others. Rangers are more likely to operate independently, pursuing roles as hunters or private wardens of the land. Assassins or thieves among them roam as solitary criminals, carrying out their clandestine activities in the shadows. Humility is a defining trait, as they rarely seek attention or recognition. Rarely do such persons leave home and set out abroad, finding contentment in their work and familiar community.

Commonplace (8 pts.)

Reactions toward commonplace individuals tend to be welcoming, albeit somewhat muted. While they are not perceived as important figures by any means, with the reception of others tending towards forgettable. In appearance, they blend seamlessly into the crowd. Commonplace individuals may notice that there are "average folks"' who are friendly and approachable, while those of higher social standing may tend to overlook or underestimate them.

In matters of romance and relationships, commonplace individuals often find love and companionship with others of similar charisma and social standing, as they share common experiences and a sense of belonging within their social circles. Individuals typically have an extended family, along with various responsibilities such as tending to their plot of land or pursuing a secondary skill to support their livelihood. They often have compatriots and friends with a similar level of charisma and social standing. Within their immediate community, these individuals are generally treated with a sense of belonging.

Outsiders, particularly those of higher social class, treat them with a certain level of disdain, often viewing them as "unwashed folks" due to their humble nature. Their lives revolve around work, seasonal events, births and deaths, offering them little opportunity beyond their mundane daily routines. Community work is very important to them, as is respect for tradition. However, this predictable existence provides a sense of comfort and assurance, knowing that while their lives may be uneventful, they are stable and productive.

Most levelled persons conform to their kind, utilizing their skills for the benefit of their families and communities. Among them, clerics alone stand out. With their level of charisma, they are accepted as minor priests and functionaries within the church system. However, it's rare for them to attain any significant ecclesiastical importance, and they almost never preach to a wide congregation.

Neighbourly (9 pts.)

Reactions to the neighborly person are marked by a warm salutation from familiar persons, often followed by a series of engaged and interested questions before transitioning to other topics. These individuals present themselves as rugged and fine to look at, exuding a gentle charm. While there may not be an overt display of strong bonds, there's a subtle sense, conveyed through appearance, expression, and stance, that this person is at least a fellow member of the community.

Some consideration is paid by a member of the gentry to the person, reflecting a modicum of respect or acknowledgment of their presence. However, a stranger among the gentry is unlikely to give any notice. These neighbourly persons often find love and companionship among others with a slightly higher charisma score and a social standing that may be marginally higher, forging connections that bridge the gap between their world and more socially relevant persons.

Treatment is marked by a low-born respect, as they've excelled somewhat among their commonplace peers. They're accorded the best tables at the worker's tavern, respected by guards, and held in esteem by local officials. Their weddings are typically celebrated publicly, and at festivals, they're often chosen as the first participants in games and competitions — because they're viewed as unthreatening and common.

Generosity permits them to become upstanding members of their guilds, integral to the town watch and serve as minor officials in their communities. While some may attain positions as farmer leaders and foremen, the majority reach no higher than lower-level authority roles. Nevertheless, they lead healthy lives, typically tracing their family histories back half a dozen generations or more into the past.

Friendly (10 pts.)

Reactions to friendly individuals are marked by a strong and warm greeting, often with others going out of their way in public places to ensure that a friendly exchange occurs. A friendly fellow naturally wears a welcoming smile, is easy to talk to, and readily appreciates humor, which makes them open to a wide range of conversations. Their inherent sympathy often elicits expressions of like and appreciation from those they interact with.

In matters of love and companionship, friendly individuals typically find committed relationships among those with charisma scores up to 12, with a social status that is generally fair and slightly above their own. Occasionally, they may dabble in relationships with individuals possessing charisma scores of up to 14.

As they pass on the street, friendly individuals are treated with kindness by those they encounter. Their reputation is favorable, and their name is often spoken with appreciation within the community. They maintain friendly relations with guards and local officials, who regard them with courtesy. Even members of the gentry are prone to take notice of them, engaging in brief but pleasant conversations that extend beyond mere formalities.

They tend to achieve a measure of success, allowing them to secure comfortable homes with yards and provide a nurturing environment for their children. They maintain contact with family members in other parts. Within their communities, friendly individuals often hold low-level positions of authority, particularly within guilds. They might be a reeve or hayward, or a head guard, a local apothecary known for his or her kindness, a minister with a welcoming disposition, or a scout and guide who willingly offers assistance and guidance.

Affable (11 pts.)

Reactions by others to these people are marked by genuine concern for the person's well-being, with others often seeking their good wishes. Their presence tends to draw people together, leading folk to gather at taverns or in marketplaces to share stories and enjoy their company. It's customary for others to buy them a drink, as a small gesture of appreciation. Affable persons frequently find themselves courted and may form committed love relationships with a wide range of individuals, as their warm and approachable nature naturally attracts those seeking companionship.

The company of these individuals is often marked by laughter at their jokes, and they are regarded as interesting residents for outsiders passing through. They're apt to lend their neighbours a hand, or give comfort to a widow, or serve as mentors and advisors to younger members of their guilds or the road where they live. They excel in resolving conflicts between others, while engaging in other charitable acts. Their very nature has enabled them to travel, as finding lodging with a far-flung family member or former associate is always possible.

They tend to establish independent workshops or ascend to senior positions within guilds, leveraging their skills and amiable personalities. Additionally, they are frequently approached with various duties for the village or local quarter, and they often agree to take on roles such as toastmasters or heading small welcoming committees to foster community spirit.

Leveled individuals among them are celebrated for their exceptional personalities. They're encouraged to send their children to distant places for the best educations, with the community helping to provide support for that purpose.

Warm-hearted (12 pts.)

Reactions to the warm-hearted individual are marked by a genuine concern for their well-being and situation. Many people, especially those familiar with the area, are inclined to offer a hearty meal upon greeting, hoping to share pleasant company with this kind-hearted person. Others eagerly approach, eager to share news and tell the latest gossip; in return they receive positive remarks that might inspire a compliment or eagerness to hear more. The character is often praised, while their absence is dearly missed.

Others flock to the atmosphere surrounding these people, where others like to sit and converse. In their jobs or daily chores, others are ready to step forward and help share their labours, permitting an active and productive symbiosis. They receive small gifts from benefactors, who speak of their giving as an honour, while expecting no remuneration in return.

Some have a natural talent for storytelling, or as organisers for community festivals and fairs. Among their family, they are a glue holding siblings and distant relations together.

These individuals willingly make allowances for others, always ready to extend a helping hand during times of hardship, providing welfare and support not only for family but also for friends and mere acquaintances. They're rarely evicted, even if months overdue; and others often find a way to make sure the debt is paid. Sometimes, these people are approached with offers of lighter, better paying work — and in like manner, they're often able to make arrangements for education from elder peers or ancestors.

Social (13 pts.)

Strangers will notice the person as they move along, often stepping forward to introduce themselves politely, as if hoping that by meeting this individual, they'll somehow improve their own situations. Those with charisma ratings of 8 or lower tend to hang back, feeling a sense of intimidation in the presence of such a captivating personality. If the person is well-known in the area, invitations to important events become commonplace, often accompanied by promises of a special table arrangement or a reserved space at the head table. Even among the gentry, the individual is regarded as one of their own, further solidifying their status as a highly respected and influential figure.

With their exceptional gifts of communication and social finesse, others frequently entrust them with duties as speakers, negotiators, or agents; and despite their own doubts, they consistently find success in these roles, making the most of their charismatic presence to navigate various situations and achieve positive outcomes. They're listened to avidly, and are treated very well, praised often and are easily trusted. For this reason they drift into becoming advisors or confidents.

For all these reasons, these social individuals lead very busy lives. They navigate behind doors and within circles where those with lower charisma would hardly gain admittance. In fact, they form the majority of the cultural elite within their community. Even those who may lack specific skills find a place within these corridors of power, relying on their charm and social adeptness to thrive.

Many find pleasure in becoming patrons of the arts or industry, using their standing to establish connections and networks to connect persons of income with creative and informed individuals.

Chivalrous (14 pts.)

Others who meet such persons, except among the gentry, are mixed by an air of intimidation, combined with a slightly unbelieving but genuine sense of welcome. Those with charisma ratings of 10 or less often show deference through genuflection, a clear display of their respect and admiration. Those of higher charisma hail the individual and engage in short yet polite conversations. While invitations to events occasionally come from the middle classes and gentry, the lower classes are content to admire the person from a distance, and shopkeepers eagerly rush to please, recognizing the significance of their presence.

These individuals receive treatment that's a harmonious blend of homage and appreciation for their presence and any personal skills and gifts they might have. As well-known entities, they must sometimes be careful not to shame the common gentry in mixed company. A few nobles, for certain, are among their acquaintances; their name is known at court. Good fortune and opportunity dog their steps, so that they're able to move about in carriages, attended by followers and devoted admirers, honoured to be in their presence.

As they're listened to closely, they become philosophers of a kind with their observations. Some are granted an heraldic symbol representing their family, for some service they've performed.

Chance and generosity has opened doors to prominent rolls in the community, where they have a chance to become honourary captains of the guard, master or mistress of ceremonies for festivals and great events, or cupbearer at the table of a noble. They're always assigned some role that aligns with their skills and expertise, or into some role that's important but anyone can perform.

Fair (15 pts.)

Reactions to a fair person are often marked by admiration and a natural attraction due to their physical beauty. Their appearance is striking, touched with symmetrical features, radiant skin and a captivating presence. Reactions to this person by the non-gentry are typically muted and deeply respectful. They accept company if it's offered but never seek to impose themselves on others.

Among the major gentry and lesser nobility, the individual often garners significant interest. If given the opportunity, the nobility will seek to include the person in their social circles, bringing the opportunity for him or her to become a courtier. An introduction to a wealthy or entitled marriagable partner is always in order. In fact, the gentry, and even some of the nobility, might be a pest in this regard.

When they are individuals of consequence, they don't have to exert as much effort as their lesser peers to be heard in influential circles, or to achieve posts of recognition. Even if they aren't exceptional or accomplished, they often find a high position simply because their presence is so desired by the great in stature.

There is a dark side also, for some individuals of such appearance realise their capacity for the manipulation of others. Not only do they move through the halls of power making arrangements of vice and subterfuge, some actually become much-sought-after concubines, gigolos and courtesans — while continuing to enjoy the benefits of their fair appearance, until debauchery or time brings that to an end.

Beautiful (16 pts.)

Once the individual has achieved some recognition for their accomplishments, even the gentry will consider themselves to be unworthy of the person's attention. From shopkeepers to the upper echelons of society, people will exhibit various degrees of attentiveness, usually tripping over themselves to provide service. The exception are persons with legitimate power and titles, who view the person as someone worth knowing and engaging. He or she will be known to the monarch of the realm, and if an excuse presents itself through the individual's actions, an opportunity to meet the royal personage will be found.

The individual's elegance and demeanour, and taste, often sets a new fashion trend once some status has been achieved. Additionally, because of their striking beauty, they'll often use accessories like masks, veils or open helmets to partly conceal their features. Their beauty, unshielded, has a profound effect on others; after all, this person is often considered one of the most beautiful individuals that ordinary folk have ever seen. Some will feel discomfort, or a sense of being overwhelmed, by the character's beauty.

With a certain level of experience and exposure to society, it is almost certain that this person will acquire some form of title or recognition, primarily due to the force of their personality and presence. However, those who possess wisdom or intelligence may become increasingly irritated by the constant flattery and superficiality of court life. They may feel a strong urge to retreat to a more private and fulfilling life in the provinces, seeking a deeper and more meaningful existence away from the shallowness of the glamorous and fawning social scene.

Sometimes, this leads to them grappling with their social responsibility, as they know that by appearing in person, they're able to influence the actions of others, despite the unpleasantness of that association.

Breathtaking (17 pts.)

Reactions to the person are marked by admiration and enchantment, as their physical appearance is nothing short of breathtaking. Their beauty transcends mere physical attractiveness and encompasses an aura of grace and allure that captivates those around them. People naturally find it difficult to look away. Treatment of beautiful individuals is overwhelmingly positive, with others showing deep respect and admiration for their extraordinary charm and grace. They are often granted privileges and opportunities simply because of their unparalleled beauty. However, their inner qualities, such as kindness and humility, also contribute to their positive treatment by others.

In the presence of this breathtaking individual, most people, from shopkeepers to guards, often consider themselves unworthy to engage in conversation with them. Ordinary folk feel at a loss for words when attempting to communicate with them. An aura of space seems to naturally expand in public, as crowds instinctively give way, as if compelled by an unseen force. The treatment they receive is typically hushed and reverential, emphasizing the profound impact their presence has on those around them.

Paladins and others who hold strong convictions often profess their unwavering dedication and willingness to lay down their lives for this extraordinary individual. Suitors, drawn by their undeniable allure, come from far and wide, particularly if the character becomes established in an estate or at court. The captivating charisma of this person tends to attract not only admirers but also individuals willing to go to great lengths to be in their presence.

Bewitching (18 pts.)

In the presence of this bewitching individual, reactions border on awe. There's a widely held belief that someone with such extraordinary charisma must possess special powers to charm, beguile, or captivate others beyond the boundaries of safety. Among certain circles of the gentry, there may be an unspoken, simmering resentment that could potentially lead to problems in the right circumstances.

Lesser establishments, considering themselves unworthy, knowing the presence of such an amazing person will disrupt business and create conflicts, may outright refuse to serve this enigmatic person. Maintaining an ordinary life is possible only through the art of disguise, as their exceptional allure draws both admiration and fear from those around them.

The treatment of such bewitching individuals is truly exceptional and mystifying. Their presence is so extraordinary that they move about in a mist of isolation, while all around them are bowing low or hiding their faces in shame. The incongruous grace and beauty of the character affects observers as eerie and unnatural. Even kings and queens are humbled by the presence and captivating personalities — and may seek to abandon their partners or even their thrones for just one evening with the individual.

The unique abilities and the enigmatic nature of such individuals enable them to create intricate networks of manipulation and pretense around themselves. This affords them opportunities to influence and even undermine great souls, destabilize royal families, usurp thrones and wreak havoc on national diplomacy, among other things. Their charismatic allure becomes a potent tool in the realm of power and intrigue.

See also,
Player Characters
Primary Attributes