Accompaniment (spell)

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Accompaniment is a spell that enables the increase of a combatant's combat ability by two levels, so long as the recipient is of equal or lesser level than the caster. Regardless of the recipient's class, their adjusted THAC0 is counted as that of a fighter — so that a 3rd level mage affected by the spell would fight as a 5th level fighter. The spell can be applied to the caster's self, gaining these same benefits.

Range 20 ft.
Duration 4 minutes +1 minute
per level; see text
Area of Effect 60 ft.; 1 creature
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level bard (2nd)

Recipients must remain within 4 combat hexes (20 feet) of the caster to retain its benefits, as the spell relies on the caster's presence to bolster their ability. While the caster does not need to concentrate on the spell after it has been discharged, it is understood that they are actively engaging in the fight — calling out encouragement, offering guidance and reinforcing their allies' confidence with shouts of "You've got this!", "Good hit!" and "Well done!"

The effect is not just magical but also psychological, strengthening the recipient's focus and execution through the caster's presence and support.


These apply solely to offensive combat ability, meaning the recipient does not gain additional hit points, saving throws, proficiencies, spellcasting or sage abilities — but the spell potentially allows a 2nd level character to gain the multiple attacks per round of a 4th or better level fighter.

Those affected also gain 2 points of strength — or by 20% for those with an 18 strength. A character with a 16 strength would be increased to 18 (+1+2) while a 17 strength would increase to 18/10 (+1+3). This strength benefit applies to strength ability checks. Non-fighter characters gain the full effects of these strength benefits.

Non-levelled characters affected by the spell will temporarily fight as a 2nd level fighter, regardless of their previous combat training. This grants them the THAC0 and offensive capability of a trained warrior, allowing even unskilled individuals to engage in battle with increased effectiveness.

See also,
Harden Commoner (sage ability)
Strength (spell)