Clay Golem

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Clay Golem
Species construct
No. Appearing 1
Behaviour servant
Range rural, subterranean, urban
Size 8 ft. tall
Weight 665 lbs.
Intelligence 5
Armour Class 7
Hit Dice 8+2
Action Points 4
Max. Stride 9
THAC0 16
Hp/Die d10
Attack Forms 2: fist
Damage fist (3–30)
Special Attacks bludgeoning weapons to hit, haste,
clay meld, natural immunities,
strength (20)

Clay golems are constructed, animated beings fashioned from clay soil. The method of their creation is outlined within the sage study, golems. These entities are typically created with the singular purpose of enacting revenge upon a designated enemy, serving as relentless instruments of malevolence, manifesting as a deep, abiding hatred, forged by a cruel individual who seeks to truly destroy his or her foes. Clay golems unleash chaos, destroying property and indiscriminately killing all who stand in their way.

Clay Golem.jpg

One of the most infamous accounts of a clay golem’s creation comes from the legends of a Jewish sect in Prague, during a time of persecution and strife. According to the tale, the golem was crafted as an act of desperation to protect the community from external threats. Shaped from the clay of the Vltava River and imbued with a sacred purpose, it was animated through divine words and rituals to act as a guardian and avenger.

Once brought to life, however, the golem’s power proved impossible to fully control. It rampaged through the city for seven days, indiscriminately targeting those it perceived as enemies. Its incredible strength and resilience allowed it to tear through buildings, break through barricades, and crush anyone who stood in its path. Over the course of its rampage, the golem claimed the lives of seven hundred individuals, its destruction spreading fear and devastation throughout the region.

Ultimately, the golem was reduced to dust, its rampage brought to an end by those who understood the rituals necessary to unmake it. This event, whether myth or history, serves as a chilling reminder of the immense power and peril inherent in creating such constructs. The story of the Prague golem has become a cautionary tale, illustrating the potential for unintended consequences when summoning forces beyond mortal control, and the devastating toll such an act can take on both its victims and its creators.


Clay golems are formed from densely compacted clay, possessing a mass slightly greater than that of water. Their broad, hulking forms exude a deceptive weight and sluggishness, but in reality, these constructs are capable of surprisingly swift movements. Despite their apparent brute nature, clay golems are not indiscriminate in their attacks. They select their targets with a chilling precision, prioritizing those who most closely resemble the chosen race or people they have been commanded to annihilate.

Often, the golem's purpose is inscribed upon its forehead, either in the form of a command or a sacred blessing. These markings may directly name the enemy to be destroyed or provide the creature with a divine directive to carry out its creator's will. This inscription reinforces the golem's unyielding resolve, driving its single-minded purpose as it wreaks havoc upon its intended targets.

In combat, a clay golem strikes with the flat of its massive hands, delivering powerful blows that send enemies hurtling to the left or right. These strikes are not only devastating in force but are designed to scatter opponents, breaking formations and ensuring the golem can focus on its primary victims. Its attacks, though simple in execution, are terrifyingly effective, reflecting the deliberate and merciless nature of its creation.


Clay golems are naturally immune to numerous forms of attack, making them formidable opponents in combat. Their clay composition renders them unaffected by lightning, acid, petrification, or paralysation. Additionally, they can absorb the effects of disintegration without harm, and their lack of a true mind leaves them immune to spells like sleep or charm. However, they are not entirely invulnerable to elemental forces: cold will slow the golem by 50%, and fire causes the attacked side of the golem to crystallize, granting it a +1 armour class. The golem will reform the affected part of its exterior within a round to regain full mobility.

The clay golem is impervious to all weapons that pierce or cut, even if such weapons are magical. Only bludgeoning weapons are capable of harming it, making it exceptionally difficult to damage. Even with its immunities, certain spells are effective against clay golems. Stone to Flesh, Mud to Rock, and Stone Shape deal 1d6 damage per level of the caster, though they do not transform the golem into another form.

The clay golem's 20 strength allows it to wreak havoc on structures, shattering walls or battering doors with ease. Despite this immense power, the golem will never wield weapons, relying solely on its hands for destruction. If the golem suffers a quarter of its total damage (noting that it cannot be stunned), it will enter a state of haste for three rounds, functioning as the spell of the same name. During the first two rounds, the golem will attack with twice its normal speed, focusing on those it perceives as immediate threats. On the third round, the golem will flee at maximum speed, seeking concealment.

The golem's primary escape mechanism involves melding with a clay surface, such as the side of a building or any flat clay expanse. Once melded, the golem becomes effectively invisible, its form seamlessly blending into the material. While merged, it is immune to harm, though it can be forced out if the structure it has melded into is destroyed. If the golem melds with the ground itself, it becomes virtually untouchable, disappearing entirely from sight and reach. This ability makes it extremely difficult to pin down or eliminate, cementing its reputation as a terrifying and relentless force.


The creator has very limited control over the creature once it has been activated and its purpose defined. Before its activation, the golem must either be constructed in the location where it is intended to operate or transported there by some means, as the golem remains immobile until brought to life. Upon activation, the golem will immediately begin pursuing the task set by its creator, targeting individuals defined by specific parameters such as their race, religion, or bloodline. While it executes this purpose, the golem will protect itself against any threats, making it exceedingly difficult to stop.

Once activated, the clay golem operates autonomously and cannot receive additional commands or be redirected. However, the creator is generally safe from harm, provided they are not identified as an enemy by the golem’s original programming. Those who pose no direct threat to the golem or its agenda are also unlikely to provoke its ire. Despite this limited control, the creator retains one final means to end the golem’s rampage. If in the golem's presence, the creator can issue a single command that will cause the clay golem to collapse into a pile of inert dust, permanently halting its destruction. This failsafe reflects the careful planning required in the creation and use of such a powerful, yet perilous, construct.

See Bestiary