Brobdingnagian Lizard

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Brobdingnagian Lizard
Species lizard
No. Appearing 1–2
Behaviour presocial
Range jungle
Size 40 ft. long
Weight 7,100 lbs.
Intelligence 2
Armour Class 4
Hit Dice 8
Action Points 5
Max. Stride {{{stride}}}
THAC0 16
Hp/Die 2d8
Attack Forms 1: fangs
Damage fangs (5–30)
Special Attacks swallow; surprise on a 1-4

Brobdingnagian lizards are enormous, fearsome predators that dominate their environment with sheer size and lethality. Their defining characteristics include a massive size, aggressive nature and terrifying ability to ambush even the wariest prey. These lizards, armed with teeth up to sixteen inches long, primarily prey on large mammals and beasts. They prefer thick overgrown environments where their mottled brown and grey colouring provides excellent camouflage.

Brobdingnagian lizard.jpg

Despite their bulk, brobdingnagian lizards possess exceptional stealth and can surprise potential prey on a 1-4 when rolling a d6. They actively hunt during daylight hours, making them a constant threat in their native habitats.

A notable and horrifying feature of the brobdingnagian lizard is its massive maw, which is wider than a typical human's height. On a natural 20 attack roll, the lizard not only inflicts critical damage but also swallows its victim whole. The creature's gullet is vast, spanning two hexes in diameter, allowing swallowed victims to continue fighting. However, combat within the lizard’s stomach comes with severe penalties.

Attacking from Inside

The air within the creature is so foul that it reduces the victim’s strength by 2 points additional points at the start of each new round. Before a victim can take any action, they must first pass a strength check against their adjusted strength; failure results in further strength loss and delays their actions.

For example, Liam, with a strength of 16, might be swallowed and suffer 32 damage (double the 16 rolled on 5d6). This would most likely stun him; before his first action, then, he would already be reduced over two combat rounds by 4 points of strength. To attack within the gullet, he would need to make a strength check; if this fails, his strength will drop by another 2 points before his next opportunity for a check. If Liam or his allies cannot kill the brobdingnagian lizard before his strength is reduced to zero, he will perish.


Once the lizard swallows prey, it prioritizes retreat. The creature will immediately turn and flee, moving rapidly through its jungle habitat with a stride of 10. This speed combined with the challenging terrain makes it likely that the lizard will escape unless magical means are employed to halt or pursue it. For victims trapped inside, the urgency to kill the creature is compounded by the constant loss of strength and the limited time to act.

The brobdingnagian lizard is not merely a threat to individual characters but a significant hazard to any party traversing its territory. Preparation, vigilance and teamwork are crucial to surviving an encounter with this monstrous predator.

See Bestiary