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== 1st Level ==
== 1st Level ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="background-color:#fcf6e9;"
! Spell !! Range !! Duration !! Area of Effect !! Casting !! Save !! Description
! style="width: 85px|Spell !! style="width: 80px|Range !! style="width: 110px|Duration !! style="width: 100px|Area of Effect !! style="width: 65px|Casting !! style="width: 65px|Save !! style="width: 200px|Description
|[[Affect Normal Fires (spell)|affect normal fires]] || 5 ft./level || 6 rounds/level || up to 3 ft. diameter fire || 1 round || special || enables fire to be carried or thrown
|[[Affect Normal Fires (spell)|affect normal fires]] || 5 ft./level || 6 rounds/level || up to 3 ft. diameter fire || 1 round || special || enables fire to be carried or thrown
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== 3rd Level ==
== 3rd Level ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="background-color:#d8e6ad;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="background-color:#fcf6e9;"
! Spell !! Range !! Duration !! Area of Effect !! Casting !! Save !! Description
! style="width: 85px|Spell !! style="width: 80px|Range !! style="width: 110px|Duration !! style="width: 100px|Area of Effect !! style="width: 65px|Casting !! style="width: 65px|Save !! style="width: 200px|Description
| [[Blink (spell)|Blink]] || self || 1 blink/level* || transfer up to 20 ft. || 2 rounds || none || allows short teleportation jumps
| [[Blink (spell)|Blink]] || self || 1 blink/level* || transfer up to 20 ft. || 2 rounds || none || allows short teleportation jumps
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== 4th Level ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="background-color:#fcf6e9;"
! style="width: 85px|Spell !! style="width: 80px|Range !! style="width: 110px|Duration !! style="width: 100px|Area of Effect !! style="width: 65px|Casting !! style="width: 65px|Save !! style="width: 200px|Description
| charm monster
| confusion
| dig
| dimension door
| enchanted weapon
| Evard's black tentacles
| extension I
| fear
| fire charm
| fire shield
| fire trap
| fumble
| hallucinatory terrain
| ice storm
| Leomund's secure shelter
| magic mirror
| massmorph
| minor globe of invulnerability
| monster summoning II
| Otiluke's resilient sphere
| plant growth
| Rary's mnemonic enhancer
| remove curse
| reveal illusion
| shout
| [[Ultravision (spell)|ultravision]]
| [[Wall of Ice (spell)|wall of ice]]
| [[Wizard Eye (spell)|wizard eye]]
See Also,<br>
See Also,<br>

Revision as of 02:54, 3 March 2025

Includes a complete list of all magical spells to date.
(*) special; see spell link for further details.

1st Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
affect normal fires 5 ft./level 6 rounds/level up to 3 ft. diameter fire 1 round special enables fire to be carried or thrown
alarm 10 ft. until tripped 20 ft. diameter/level 1 round none creates a magic alarm as a warning
armour touch until sunrise/destroyed 1 creature 1 round none provides protection against damage
burning hands self 1 round 120° fan, 30 ft. outwards 1 round none* creates a sheet of flame causing damage
charm person 30 ft. 5 +3 rounds/level 1 humanoid 1 round negates causes humanoids to become friendly
comprehend languages 20 ft. 50 minutes/level 1 creature* 1 round none enables reading of unknown languages
dancing lights 30 +10 ft./level 5 rounds/level 1-4 lights 1 round none creates the effect of torch lights
detect magic self 10 rounds 10 ft. wide, 40 ft. path 1 round none detects magic
enlarge 5 ft./level 10 rounds/level 1 creature/object 1 round negates* grows or shrinks creatures or objects
erase 30 ft. permanent 100 sq.in./level 1 round none erases writing and glyphs from surfaces
feather fall 30 ft. level until landing 1 creature/object* blink* none safely arrests falling persons and objects
find familiar self life of the familiar special 2-24 hours none calls a magical being as a loyal servant
firewater 10 ft. 10 rounds/level 1 flask/level 1 round none* transforms water into flammable liquid
friends self 5 rounds/level 20 +10 ft./level 1 round negates increases caster's charisma by 2-8 points
grease 20 ft. 1 day 1 hex/level 1 round negates causes surfaces to become slippery
hold portal 20 ft./level 3 rounds/level 1 portal/level 1 round none magically bars doors, gates and portals
identify touch 1 round/level 1 item 5 rounds none determines the purpose of magical items
jump touch 1 jump/level 1 creature 1 round none enables great leaps, forward or vertical
light 120 ft. 1 hour/level 20 ft. radius globe 1 round none* creates light source
magic missile 60 +10 ft./level 1 action point special 1 round none creates missiles that cause damage
melt 30 ft. permanent* 1 cub.yd. ice* 1 round none* melts ice or snow into water
mending 40 ft. permanent 1 object 1 round none repairs broken or damaged objects
message 240 +40 ft./level 5 rounds/level not applicable 1 round none enables the caster to send a message
mount 10 ft. 4 +2 hours/level 1 mount 1 round none calls a mount to serve the recipient
Nystul's magic aura touch 1 hour/level 1 object, 5 lbs./level 1 round none invests objects with magic
precipitation 10 ft./level 4 rounds/level 30 ft. circle, 120 ft. high 1 round none creates rain
protection from malevolence touch 6 rounds/level 1 creature 1 round none protects against aggressive attacks
push 20 +10 ft./level 1 round 200 lbs./level 1 round dexterity check pushes back objects or creatures
run touch 1 hour/level 1 creature* 1 round none enables long-distance running
shield self 5 rounds/level self 1 round none creates a barrier against attacks
shocking grasp touch until discharged* 1 creature/object 1 round none produces a damage-causing shock
sleep 30 +10 ft./level 5 rounds/level* 2-8 +1 hit dice/level 1 round negates causes creatures to sleep
spider climb touch 1 +1 round/level 1 creature 1 round none enables move over impossible surfaces
taunt self 1 round 1 creature/level* 1 round negates spurs enemies into attacking unwisely
Tenser's floating disc 20 +5 ft./level 2 +1 hour/level 200 lbs./level 1 round none creates a disc to carry things
unseen servant 60 ft. 2 hours +20 minutes/level 1 servant 1 round none creates a helpmeet for any situation
ventriloquism 10 ft./level 4 +1 round/level 1 false source 1 round none enables the voice to be thrown
wizard mark touch permanent 1 rune/level 1 round none inscribes a personal rune into an object

2nd Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
audible glamer 120 ft./level 10 rounds/level spell range 1 round none creates the sound of multiple creatures
bind 40 ft. 2 rounds/level 1 creature/level 1 round negates causes the victim's clothes to tighten and constrict
continual light 120 ft. permanent 60 ft. diameter globe 2 rounds none* creates permanent light
darkness 10 ft./level 2-8 +1 round/level 15 ft. radius globe 1 round none creates an absence of light
deeppockets touch 6 +1 hour/level 1 poke/level 1 round none increases the capacity of cloth objects
detect invisibility 10 ft./level 5 rounds/level 10 ft. path, spell range 1 round none reveals hidden creatures to the caster
detect malevolence self 10 +5 rounds/level 10 ft. wide, 120 ft. path 1 round none detects potential enemies
ESP self 10 rounds/level 1 creature/level* 1 round none reads the thoughts of intelligent creatures
flaming sphere 10 +5 ft./level 1 round/level 5 ft. sphere* 1 round objects save creates a 1 ft. globe of normal fire
fool's gold 10 ft. 3 hours/level 1 lb. of metal/level 1 round none fools observers into seeing gold metal
forget 30 ft. permanent* 30 ft. diameter circle* 1 round negates wipes the memory of those affected
invisibility touch special 1 creature 1 round none causes a creature to become invisible
irritation 10 ft./level 1 round/level 1 creature/level 1 round negates causes an itching sensation to seize control of a victim
knock 30 ft. 1 hour 1 portal/level 1 round none enables the opening of stuck, mechanically locked or held doors
know intent self 10 rounds 10 ft./level* 1 round none reveals future intent of others
Leomund's trap touch permanent* 1 object 1 round none* creates a false trap that will befuddle searchers
levitation touch 1 creature or object* 1 object 1 round negates enables recipient to move vertically up and down
locate object self 1 round/level 120 +10 ft./level 2 rounds none locates an object
magic mouth 5 ft./level until discharged* 1 object 1 round none creates a message-giving mouth
material 20 ft. permanent 5 cub.ft./level 3 rounds none creates common materials in their raw form
Melf's arrow 60 ft. until contact 1 arrow 1 round negates creates a magical arrow to strike a chosen target
mirror image self 2 rounds/level 5 ft. radius 1 round none duplicates the image of the caster
preserve touch one month 1 cub.ft./level 1 round none keeps food and other materials from spoiling
protection from cantrips touch 1 day 1 creature or object/level 1 round nonee protects recipients and objects from the effects of cantrips
pyrotechnics 60 ft. 1 round/level up to 40 ft. from source* 2 rounds negates* transforms an existing fire source
ray of enfeeblement 10 +5 ft./level 1 round/level 1 creature/level 1 round negates weakens opponents by striking them with a magic ray
rope trick touch 10 rounds/level 5 ft. rope/level* 1 round none enchants a rope to rise and fix itself
scare 40 ft. 1 round* 1 creature/level 1 action point negates scares the wits out of creatures, reducing their resolve
shatter 60 ft. permanent 1 object* 1 round none* causes objects to shatter beyond mending
stinking cloud 30 ft. 1 round/level 20 ft. diameter, 10 ft. high 1 round reduces effect* creates a cloud of noxious vapour that causes choking
strength touch 6 rounds/level 1 creature 1 round none increases the strength of the recipient
web 5 ft./level 20 rounds/level special 1 round none creates a large web curtain with strong, sticky strands
whip self 1 round/level 10 ft. radius 1 round none* creates a material whip that can be used in combat or to keep creatures at bay
wizard lock touch permanent or until released one door/level 1 round none enchants doors so that they cannot be opened or meddled with
zephyr self 1 round/level spreads at 10 ft./level 1 round none creates a draft of air that snuffs flames and beats back gasses

3rd Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
Blink self 1 blink/level* transfer up to 20 ft. 2 rounds none allows short teleportation jumps
Cloudburst 20 ft./level 10 rounds* 15 ft. radius circle* 2 rounds none creates a downburst of rain
Detect illusion 10 ft./level 20 rounds/level 10 ft. path* 1 round none discloses the true nature of illusions
Dispel magic 60 ft. permanent 30 ft. diameter cube 2 rounds none eliminates temporal magic in the form of spells and powers
Explosive runes
Feign death touch 10 +3 rounds/level 1 creature 1 action point none provides the semblance of being dead
Fireball 10 +10 ft./level instantaneous 20 ft. radius sphere 2 rounds ½ damage creates a damage-causing explosive effect
Flame arrow
Gust of wind
Haste 60 ft. 1 round/level 1 creature/3 levels 2 rounds none doubles the movement speed of recipients
Hold person 60 ft. 4 +1 round/level 3 humanoids 1 round none paralyses persons so they cannot move
10 ft. radius
self special 10 ft. radius* 2 rounds none allows multiple persons to become invisible
Leomund's tiny hut
Lightning bolt 40 +10 ft. per level instantaneous up to 3 targets 2 rounds ½ damage evokes a powerful lightning strike on targets
Melf's minute meteors
Monster summoning I
Protection from Malevolence,
15 ft. radius
touch 6 rounds/level 15 ft. radius circle 2 rounds none creates a circle of protection against magic and attacks
Protection from normal
Slow 90 +10 ft./level 1 +1 round per level 1 creature/3 levels 2 rounds none halves the movement speed of creatures
Suggestion 30 ft. 6 +6 rounds/level 1 creature 2 rounds negates* plants the desire to perform an action in the recipient's mind
Tongues self 10 rounds 30 ft. radius circle 2 rounds none* enables comprehension and communication with languages
Water breathing touch 1 hour/level 1 creature* 2 rounds none enables the recipient to breathe underwater

4th Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
charm monster
dimension door
enchanted weapon
Evard's black tentacles
extension I
fire charm
fire shield
fire trap
hallucinatory terrain
ice storm
Leomund's secure shelter
magic mirror
minor globe of invulnerability
monster summoning II
Otiluke's resilient sphere
plant growth
Rary's mnemonic enhancer
remove curse
reveal illusion
wall of ice
wizard eye

See Also,
Magical Spell Acquisition
Magical Cantrip Tables