Push (spell)

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Push is a spell that generates an invisible force, lifting and thrusting back objects or creatures at the caster's discretion within the area of effect. The force, though not overwhelming, is sufficient to push affected creatures back ten feet within a 180° arc extending outward from the caster, provided their combined weight does not exceed the spell's limit. The direction of the push is always directly away from the caster, preventing manipulation in lateral or upward directions.

Range 20 ft. + 10 per level
Duration 1 round
Area of Effect 200 lbs. per level; see text
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none; see text
Level mage (1st)

The caster may selectively target creatures or objects within the spell's capacity. The push is sudden and forceful, causing those affected to be hurled backward abruptly. Each creature thus propelled sustains 1-6 damage, with an additional 1-3 points of damage if they are stunned and fall prone upon impact. This spell does not distinguish between creatures of different sizes; a 50 lb. kobold is not thrown any farther than a much heavier creature, though the mass limit of the spell remains a determining factor in how many creatures may be affected.

There exists a tactical risk for enemies caught in the spell's effect — if they are positioned near a ledge, an open flame, a spiked pit or another hazard, they may be thrown into danger. In such cases, they are entitled to a saving throw against magic to resist the movement; otherwise, no saving throw applies.

While primarily an offensive spell, push may also be used in a controlled manner. The caster can regulate the effect to gently propel objects or creatures, preventing harm. This allows the spell to be employed in creative, non-combative ways, such as moving fragile items out of reach, shifting obstacles or even nudging an ally to safety.

See Gust of Wind (spell)