Wizard Mark (spell)

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Wizard mark incribes a personal magical sigil into objects of the caster's choosing, thereafter to be used as proof of the caster's ownership. The sigil is invisible, unless detected through identify, true seeing or some other means.

Wizard Mark
Range touch
Duration permanent; see text
Area of Effect 1 sigil per level
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level mage (1st)

Objects with a function, such as magic items or mechanisms, are irrevocably altered by the mark's presence. If these are stolen or picked up by others, they'll function for a single round and then afterwards fail. Wagon axles and crossbows seize, magic ceases to work, lanterns won't light, straps and laces will open of their own accord and so on. Simple goods, like bowls, cups, swords, flasks and so on will continue to serve, though a stopper will inexplicably loosen and fall out.

Once the caster regains possession of these things, they will immediately function properly.


The caster can place one sigil mark per object, per level. The mark will be permanent unless the caster wishes to dispel it, so that the mark can be placed on something else.

An erase spell can remove a wizard mark, once the latter is discovered.