Magic Missile (spell)

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Magic missile is a spell that creates one or more bolts of magic that the caster can direct at enemies, causing damage without the possibility of a saving throw. A roll to hit is unnecessary; each bolt infallibly hits its target, causing 2–5 hit points.

Magic Missile
Range 60 ft. + 10 ft. per level
Duration until fired; see text
Area of Effect 1 or more creatures; see text
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level mage (1st)


Once the spell is cast, each bolt discharged requires 1 action point (AP) which the caster possesses. If the caster is between 1st and 3rd level, only one missile is possessed — but for every three levels beyond 1st (at 4th, 7th, 10th and so on) the caster receives an additional missile. These may be fired at multiple targets as the caster wishes. Eventually, the number of missiles will exceed the caster's available action points, requiring them to be discharged over multiple rounds.

In any case, so long as the caster concentrates, the missiles can be held back for any amount of time... though there is always the danger that his or her concentration will be disrupted and the remaining spell ruined. While "holding" the spell, the caster can perform no other action except moving at stride-1.


While often thought of as purely offensive, the spell has applications beyond simple damage. It can be used to finish off a retreating enemy, disrupt spellcasting by striking a vulnerable opponent at the right moment, or even destroy objects. Anything weighing less than a pound can be broken apart, while objects up to 5 lbs. can be knocked over, perhaps breaking if fragile. In terms of spell economy, magic missile remains one of the most efficient uses of a spell slot at low levels, ensuring that few castings are wasted.