Dispel Magic (spell)

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Dispel magic gives the caster the power to end magical effects that are temporal in nature — that is, powers, spells and effects that are ongoing — which is to say, currently active and sustained, that possess an understood set duration. However, once the consequences of a spell have been rendered, the intrinsic magical qualities of magical items, creatures or manifestations be negated. This extends to the magical nature of creatures, which is considered inborn to that being; thus, entities such as golems, undead, and demons are not affected by the spell.

Dispel Magic
Range 60 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 30 ft. cube
Casting Time 2 rounds
Saving Throw none
Level bard (3rd; cleric (3rd); druid (4th);
illusionist (4th); mage (3rd)

Additionally, dispel magic cannot disrupt magic that has been prepared or cast but not yet discharged, meaning spells held in readiness or awaiting their moment of release remain unaffected. For example, a magic missile that has been summoned but not yet hurled, or any spell being held by its caster for strategic timing, is impervious to dispelling effects. This limitation acknowledges the distinction between an active spell influencing the world and one still bound within the caster's mental or somatic control.

However, once a spell has been fully manifested and is actively influencing its surroundings, it falls within the scope of dispel magic's dweomer. In such cases, the spell's effect is ended instantly, as though the caster of the original magic were to deliberately halt the progress of their own manifestation. This highlights the precision and potency of dispel magic in countering active enchantments while respecting the protective boundaries of unmanifested spells.

As noted, dispel magic does not affect the intrinsic properties of magical items themselves; their enchantments remain intact. However, many magical items, particularly wands, staves, and rods, produce effects that are temporal in nature. These effects, once manifested, are subject to being dispelled by dispel magic. For example, a wall of fire created by a wand, or a protective barrier conjured by a staff, can be disrupted by the spell, even though the item remains fully functional and capable of generating new magical effects afterward. This distinction emphasizes the spell's focus on removing active magic rather than the inherent capabilities of enchanted objects.