Detect Illusion (spell)

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Detect illusion is a spell that reveals the presence and nature of any illusion, allowing the caster to perceive it for what it truly is. Once an illusion is identified, the caster becomes immune to any harmful effects it might impose. However, if the illusion provides beneficial effects — such as warmth, comfort, or visual pleasure — the caster may continue to experience these as desired.

Detect Illusion
Range 10 ft. per level
Duration 20 rounds per level
Area of Effect 10 ft. path, up to range
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level illusionist (1st), mage (3rd)

Upon detecting an illusion, the caster can attempt to convey its true nature to others within speaking distance (approximately 60 feet). Those who trust the caster — such as fellow party members, henchfolk, followers and retainers — may then make a saving throw against magic.

Those who succeed become immune to any deleterious effects of the illusion, recognising it for what it is. Those who fail, however, will remain convinced that the illusion is real, unable to perceive its deception.

If the spell's duration expires, any illusions that were previously revealed remain understood by the caster and any individuals who successfully saved against them. Knowledge gained through the spell does not fade — recognised illusions remain exposed and their influence is nullified. However, new or previously undetected illusions continue to appear entirely real unless revealed by another casting of the spell or through other means of perception.

In practical use, Detect Illusion is invaluable for identifying traps, uncovering hidden threats, or seeing through the disguises of enemies. A skilled illusionist may layer multiple spells to obscure their deceptions, requiring persistent effort from a caster to unravel the full extent of the trickery at play. Those who rely too heavily on this spell may find themselves overconfident, as illusions that are well-integrated into physical reality — such as veiling a deep pit as solid ground — remain dangerous even when recognised.