Give Proficiency (sage ability)

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Give Proficiency is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Instruction. This enables the character to teach others how to use unfamiliar weapons, making them proficient. Ordinarily, lacking a proficiency applies a considerable non-proficiency penalty to the character’s ability to hit with unfamiliar weapons.

By providing regular training, the character instructor is able to train any person, even a commoner, comrade or person of a non-fighter class, to use a weapon that the instructor is already proficient in using. This means that it is possible for a cleric or a mage how to use a sword or even a bow, provided the character possesses ability stats that meet the weapon requirements.

These requirements are listed as shown. These numbers are based upon minimum stats for a fighter and for other classes, with respect paid to the minimum stats for a multi-classed character. These minimums do not apply to those of fighter class or non-levelled persons of less than 20 years of age. This is because those persons have not spent much time in deep study, as spellcasters and thieves do. These latter persons must overcome a greater hurdle in learning a new weapon, which is reflected in the table.

Note that commoners and comrades have room for only one proficiency. They must be trained to become men-at-arms before they can adopt another. In turn, men-at-arms are limited to two proficiencies.

Further, while persons of character class can be trained, provided they have the minimums shown, they cannot possess another full proficiency until their level provides an opportunity (see Weapon Proficiencies). Until that time, however, the character is able to use the weapon, even if the weapon was not originally of the character’s class, with the usual proficiency penalty for that class.


Success in learning a new weapon requires three successful months of weapons training. This time can be wedged into other adventuring, or the party can choose to settle for a select period to provide the time necessary. A single instructor can provide training for up to eight persons a day. Instruction for any single individual can be shared by up to two instructors, who must be in daily communication during the shared period.

A student can train with an instructor for one hour a day. This must be done before any physical labour or travel of more than a mile takes place. Through a single month, the student must train for no less than 23 days. If too many days are missed, the student cannot make a success check come month's end. The month is treated as a failure.

Non-training days are required by the instructor, that number varying according to the length of the month. Training may start on any day of the month, the success roll being made on the same calendar date of the next month. If a character begins training on the 14th of July, the success check is made on the 14th of August.

To succeed, the character makes both an intelligence check and a wisdom check. If either are successful, the character has succeeded in one month of training. Once three months of training have ended in success, the character is proficient in that weapon (as noted above).