Martial Spirit

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Martial Spirit is an inherent bardic gift shared by all bards, regardless of their chosen fields of expertise or studies. Possessing an innate magnetism and charisma, these characters have the unique ability to stir their comrades to greater courage and ferocity, using their music or persuasive words during combat.


When the need arises, in the heat of battle, the bard declares their intention to embolden their companions. While doing so, the bard commits their entire focus to this task, leaving no room for other actions, urging others to fight with increased determination and valor.


With this power, bards can provide a valuable bonus of +1 to their comrades' rolls to hit, damage and morale, for a period of 3 rounds, +1 round per level, per day, to those within 9 combat hexes of the bard's current position. If the bard possesses musical sage ability, their instrument can increase the range of the effect to 12 hexes.

Importantly, as an innate ability rather than a spell, the bard can maintain this encouragement continuously until the allotted time is exhausted, or they can distribute each round of inspiration across one or multiple battles.

During this period, the bard retains the freedom to use one action point to walk about, at any stride between 1 and 3.

See also,
Accompaniment (spell)
Attacking in Combat
Experience (X.P.)