Human Race & Physiology

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Humans, the most widespread and dominant humanoid race on Earth, also hold the distinction of being the oldest, with a history stretching back millions of years. The ever-expanding human population poses a significant threat to the control of territories by other species, leading to the perception of many that humans are a scourge and a menace. Humans, for their part, often view the lands of other cultures as ripe for conquest and expansion, thus justifying those fears that others hold.

The migratory patterns of humans align with our understanding of the real world. Contrary to being created by a "Christian" god, humans evolved over time and subsequently dispersed across the globe. In Alexis' game world, the migration into the Americas transpired some 18,000 years ago, slightly ahead of elvish movements out of destroyed Beringia.


Humans exhibit significant variations in precise features, including pigmentation, eye color, and hair type, surpassing the diversity observed in other humanoid races. The specific details of these variations are addressed in the character background generator.

On average, human males stand between 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet 2 inches in height, while females tend to be approximately 4 inches shorter. Weight typically falls within the range of 140 to 200 lbs. Human ethnicities encompass a broad spectrum, with the most prolific being Amerindian, East & South African, East Asian, Germanic, Himalayan, Indian subcontinental, Mediterranean, North African, Persian, Polynesian, Scandinavian, Slavic, Southeast Asian, Sub-Saharan, Turkic and Western European.

It's evident that this approach overly focuses on European variants, these reflecting the larger part of this wiki's readers. There is an opportunity for a more nuanced representation of human diversity, should I obtain direction on that front.


Apart from their number and size, humans have little natural advantage over other races. They are, in game terms, very average with regards to their ability stats, with no special defences against magic or other attacks. Being larger, they do tend to have more hit points.

See also,
Character Race Options
Player Characters