Concentration (sage ability)

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Concentration is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Empowerment, granting a character the ability to channel all their mental and physical energies into a single, all-out attack or the precise execution of a skill. This disciplined focus allows for a moment of heightened clarity and control, elevating an ordinary action beyond its usual limits.

To achieve this state, the character must spend two full combat rounds doing nothing whatsoever — free of distractions, movement, or external interference — so they may properly clear their mind and gather their inner strength. This period of mental preparation is essential, as the ability reflects the individual's capacity to reach deep within themselves and enhance their performance beyond normal capability. Once the concentration has been established, the next action performed is executed with significantly greater precision and force.

Despite its advantages, the two-round preparation time makes it impractical in rapidly evolving combat situations, as opponents may exploit the character's inactivity. Additionally, any disruption, injury, or sudden movement during the gathering phase will break the concentration, forcing the character to start over. However, when circumstances allow for dedicated focus, concentration can prove invaluable, turning the tide of battle or ensuring success in a critical moment of skill-based effort.


After gathering their force of will, the character is free to strike using melee or missile weapons, provided the attack is made in the immediate round following the preparation. The character may prepare with the weapon in hand, ensuring they are ready to strike as soon as their focus is complete. However, if they take damage or experience any other form of distraction, their concentration is broken, forcing them to start over.

A concentrated attack benefits from +3 to hit and +1 damage, reflecting the character's heightened awareness, precision and controlled application of force. Once the attack is executed, the concentration is lost and the character may either continue attacking normally or withdraw to attempt another concentrated strike.

There is no limit to how many times a character can use this ability, provided they are able to re-establish concentration for the required two-round period before each enhanced attack.


Concentration can also enhance a wide range of physical actions, improving a character's ability to leap across a gap, lift a heavy object, break down a door, catch a thrown object, navigate treacherous terrain, run at peak speed, or launch into a race with perfect timing. As with attacks, the character must spend two full rounds focusing before applying the benefits of this ability.

When an ability check is required, the character increases the relevant stat by 2 points, allowing for an improved chance of success. This same adjustment can be applied to saving throws, provided the character has enough time to prepare beforehand. However, timing is a major limitation — in many situations, a character simply will not have the luxury of two full rounds to concentrate, making this ability more useful for pre-planned feats rather than spontaneous reactions.

See also,
Skulduggery (sage field)
Training (sage field)