Cleric 7th Level Spells

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Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Believer Description
Avatar self special self 3 rounds none yes creates an incorporeal self
Control Weather self 4-48 hours 4-16 sq. miles 3 rounds none no modifies existing weather
Earthquake 120 ft. 5 rounds 5 ft. radius/level 2 rounds none no causes an earthquake
Gate self permanent 1 creature 2 rounds none no gates in a powerful being
Holy Word self special 30 ft. radius 2 rounds negates* no devastating spoken attack
Regeneration touch permanent 1 creature 3 rounds none no replaces lost limb or body parts
Restoration touch permanent* 1 creature 3 rounds none no/yes restores lost energy levels
Resurrection touch permanent 1 creature 3 rounds none* no restores life to the long dead
Succor touch until used 4 objects* 3 rounds none yes returns possessor to cleric
Symbol 5 ft. 10 rounds/level 40 ft. circle 2 rounds negates no inscribes a powerful symbol
Wind Passage touch 1 hour/level 1 creature* 3 rounds none yes allows rapid travel through air

See Also,
Cleric (class)
Clerical Spell Acquisition
Clerical Spell Tables