Wind Passage (spell)

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Wind Passage (spell).jpg

Wind passage is a spell that transforms the recipient and all they carry into a substanceless wisp of cloud-like vapour, enabling safe travel through the air at the current speed of wind. Even in the heart of a hurricane, the recipient's form remains intact, able to navigate within the wind’s grasp while observing everything around them. However, movement is entirely dependent on the wind’s presence — if there is no wind, the transformation occurs, but the recipient remains motionless until the air stirs.

Wind Passage
Range touch
Duration 1 hour per level
Area of Effect 1 creature, +1 per 2 levels
above 16th
Casting Time 3 rounds
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (7th)

To the naked eye, the affected creatures are nearly invisible, appearing at most as a faint mist or wisp of smoke drifting by. In stronger winds, detection becomes nearly impossible. Only the use of penetrate disguise or true seeing can reveal the transformation. Even so, the speed of movement often renders such detection fleeting and ineffective.

The recipient may travel along three possible headings based on the 16-point compass rose, limited to angles to the left or right of the wind's natural direction. For example, if the wind blows north, the recipient may move anywhere from west-northwest to east-northeast, but cannot move directly west, east or in any southern direction. The spell does not grant control over the wind itself, only the ability to navigate within its natural current.

At any moment, the recipient may choose to restore themselves to a corporeal form using a single action point. However, once the spell is dismissed, it cannot be regained without being cast again. The spell's greatest utility lies in safe travel, reconnaissance and strategic positioning, allowing a recipient to drift undetected, observe enemy movements or "land" in a tactically advantageous location before launching an attack.