Jump (spell)
Jump is a spell that grants the recipient the ability to leap into the air, allowing them to bypass obstacles, cross crevasses, or ascend vertically to reach high places. Beyond mere traversal, this power enables the recipient to bound across the battlefield, swiftly engaging scattered enemies by covering great distances in a single leap. The spell's versatility makes it invaluable for both combat and exploration, providing enhanced mobility where conventional movement would fail.
Range | touch |
Duration | 1 jump per level; see text |
Area of Effect | 1 creature |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | mage (1st) |
If the recipient is granted multiple jumps, these may be stored and used at will, though all leaps must be completed within 1 minute (5 rounds) per caster level. Any unused jumps beyond this limit dissipate, lost as the spell's magic fades.
Jumps range between 10 and 30 feet, or 2-6 hexes. Each 10-foot increment, or part thereof, consumes 1 action point (AP). Thus, if the character Winstead performs a 25-foot leap, the action costs 3 AP. The target hex must be clear of combatants and obstructions to ensure a safe landing. Jumping into an occupied space, onto an unstable surface or towards a location requiring a mid-air grab necessitates a dexterity check.
- For example: If Winstead leaps 20 feet upward to seize a tree limb, a dexterity check is required. If the check fails, he falls the full distance. Similarly, attempting to leap across a room to land atop a stool — an unstable surface — demands a check. Failure results in crashing to the floor, causing 1-6 damage rather than suffering full falling damage.
- Jumping into an occupied hex presents additional risks. If Winstead leaps into a hex containing another person and fails the required dexterity check, both he and the other individual take 1-6 damage. Against an enemy combatant, failure is automatic. While Winstead may succeed in stunning the opponent and forcing them from the hex, leaving himself in control of the space, otherwise, the enemy chooses an adjacent hex for Winstead to land in. Nearby enemies shift accordingly to ensure he is left standing alone in an unoccupied space.
A character possessing the sure-footedness sage study gains a +2 bonus to dexterity checks related to this spell.
Recipients may swing in combat as normal and then use their remaining movement to jump away. If the jump is executed before attacking, the final AP spent on the jump may also contribute toward the recipient's combat expenditure, effectively allowing for a seamless transition from movement to attack.
- For example: Winstead leaps 20 feet toward an enemy, spending 2 AP to cover the distance. He requires an additional 2 AP to swing his mace upon landing. The first AP propels him into the air, while the second completes his jump and simultaneously initiates his attack. Upon landing, he completes the strike, expending a total of 3 AP.
During the leap, the recipient may also use the motion to draw a weapon, just as they would when running forward. This ensures that jumping does not hinder the ability to enter combat fully prepared.
Jumping does not provoke an attack of opportunity, allowing the recipient to reposition freely without opening themselves to immediate retaliation.