Dancing Lights (spell)
Conjures up to four glowing lights resembling torches, lanterns, or will-o'-wisps capable of illuminating an area with a 15-foot diameter. These lights can be placed anywhere within the spell's range but are limited to moving no more than 20 feet in a single round. The lights move at the caster’s direction, whether advancing, retreating or navigating corners, requiring no concentration to maintain.
Range | 60 ft. +10 ft. per level |
Duration | 5 rounds per level |
Area of Effect | 1-4 lights; see text |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | bard (1st); illusionist (1st); mage (1st) |
When positioned to illuminate an area within the spell's range, targets within this illumination gain a +1 bonus to hit with missile weapons during nighttime conditions.
Alternatively, the spell can create a vaguely humanoid shape composed of light, which does not emit illumination but resembles a spectral, elemental-like figure. Creatures with an intelligence score of 5 to 7 must pass a morale check or retreat at least 20 feet (or four combat hexes) when confronted by this entity. Any creature attempting to attack the light-formed entity will find it insubstantial, striking against an armour class of 10 with no effect.
Additionally, lights may be made to flicker, dim or pulse in deliberate patters, so that the caster might conceivably use them as a form of communication; for instance, they may flash to warn of danger or signal specific actions to nearby allies.
Each light can be fixed permanently in a given location, whereupon it can no longer move and be adjusted in brightness. At the same time, the fixed light is not affected by the limitations of the spell's range, so that the light will continue to glow, regardless of the caster's location, until the spell's duration ends.