Acupuncture (sage ability)
Acupuncture is an authority-status sage ability in the study of Occultism, granting the ability to provide temporary relief from penalties caused by physical injury, pain, burns, disease and even the effects of aging. The practice requires an hour to perform and involves the use of eighty fine needles, carefully stored in a leather-and-cloth pouch. Due to the precision and focus required, an acupuncturist can treat each patient only once per day.
The procedure demands a suitable environment: a comfortable place for the patient to lie down, sufficient illumination such that would give no penalties, a thick blanket for support and a setting free from noise or disturbances. If either the acupuncturist or the patient is interrupted during the process, the effectiveness of the treatment is put at risk. Once completed, the patient experiences full relief from the affected penalty for a duration of 6 to 9 hours (d4 +5), allowing them to function without the usual hindrance of their ailment.
Additionally, acupuncture can temporarily reverse the effects of aging, shifting the patient's physical condition to the next youngest category. A venerable individual would feel old, an old person would regain the vigour of middle age, and a middle-aged individual would feel as if they were in their prime. During this time, they recover lost strength, constitution and dexterity, while retaining any accumulated intelligence or wisdom. However, acupuncture has no rejuvenating effect on individuals who are already of mature age or younger.