Plane Shift (spell)

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Plane Shift (spell).jpg

Plane shift enables the caster to transport one or more recipients to another plane of existence, providing that some knowledge of the specific destination must be known by name. The name of the plane is not sufficient; the caster must have awareness of a locality, place, structure or the like.

Plane Shift
Range touch
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 creature per level
Casting Time 3 rounds
Saving Throw none; see text
Level cleric (5th)

If more than one recipient is to be sent, everyone must share physical flesh-to-flesh contact with one another, as a chain holding hands or grouped in a circle. This requires that every person of the group cease all they're doing for the casting time of the spell, though only the caster must concentrate. If the caster is also shifting, then his or her place in the connection matters greatly. If the caster is sending others while remaining behind, then a single person is designated before the spell is cast as the "chain-link." If someone is wrenched free from the group or stunned during the casting, this person will cease to be part of the chain.

For example, amid a battle, Janus, Kyrie, Leif and Morgan are waiting in a chain while Norah casts plane shift. Norah designates Kyrie as the chain-link. Suddenly, Leif is stunned — and because he is, Morgan is broken from the chain also. Norah may continue to cast, sending only Janus and Kyrie, or she may dismiss the spell; though if she does the latter, the spell is lost until it's memorized again.

If the chain-link in the above example were stunned, or perhaps grappled and pulled free of the others, then that would end the spell also.


roll % distance
01-22 100 miles
23-42 20 miles
43-58 4 miles
59-72 1 mile
73-83 350 yards
84-92 70 yards
93-97 14 yards
98-00 8 feet

The plane shift is not an exact passage between planes; travellers must roll on the table shown to learn how close they come to their destination. Whatever the distance, a 16-sided-die is rolled to determine the point of the compass removed from the intended destination, with "1" indicating due north, "2" indicating north-by-northwest, "3" indicating northwest and so on.

The roll is adjusted by -50 if the caster has never travelled to the plane of destination before. This adjustment is reduced to -20 if the caster has visited that plane and +25 if the caster's visited the desired destination on that plane. An additional adjustment of +1-8 is given for each point of wisdom the caster possesses above 14.


Banish (plane shift spell).jpg

The caster may attempt to banish one unwilling creature, but only one; the creature must be touched after the spell is cast, and is entitled to a saving throw. Allies of the caster are counted as "unwilling" if they do not take part in the casting of the spell, if there's a desperate need to send someone; with luck, that individual will fail their save and make the journey.

See also,
Astral Form (sage ability)
Astral Portal (sage ability)
Dweomercraft (sage study)
Teleport (spell)