Mage 3rd Level Spells

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The spells below are presented in a uniform format, comprising key details that outline each spell's limitations. These particulars include the spell's range, specifying the maximum distance it can affect; its duration, indicating how long the spell's effects persist; the area of effect, defining the dimensions of its influence post-casting; the casting time, which tells you how quickly the spell can be prepared and unleashed, or "discharged"; any potential saving throws, which denote whether targets can resist the spell's effects and the consequences thereof; and a brief description summarizing the spell's magical attributes.

Should you seek more comprehensive information about a particular spell, you can find it by following the provided links. An asterisk (*) serves as a sign that a full explanation of the spell's intricacies necessitates more space than currently available.

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
blink self 1 blink/level* transfer up to 20 ft. 2 rounds none allows short teleportation jumps
clairaudience self 6 rounds/level one location 2 rounds none hears sound surrounding any location familiar to the caster
clairvoyance self 6 rounds/level one location 2 rounds none visually surveys any location familiar to the caster
cloudburst 20 ft./level 10 rounds* 15 ft. radius circle* 2 rounds none creates a downburst of rain
detect illusion 10 ft./level 20 rounds/level 10 ft. path* 1 round none discloses the true nature of illusions
dispel magic 60 ft. permanent 30 ft. diameter cube 2 rounds none eliminates temporal magic in the form of spells and powers
explosive runes
feign death touch 10 +3 rounds/level 1 creature 1 action point none provides the semblance of being dead
fireball 10 +10 ft./level instantaneous 20 ft. radius sphere 2 rounds ½ damage creates an explosive ball of fire that causes damage
flame arrow
gust of wind
haste 60 ft. 1 round/level 1 creature/3 levels 2 rounds none doubles the movement speed of recipients
hold person 60 ft. 4 +1 round/level 3 humanoids 1 round none paralyses persons so they cannot move
10 ft. radius
self special 10 ft. radius* 2 rounds none allows multiple persons to become invisible
leomund's tiny hut
lightning bolt 40 +10 ft. per level instantaneous up to 3 targets 2 rounds ½ damage evokes a powerful lightning strike on targets
melf's minute meteors 10 ft. per level 1 round 25 ft. circle;
1 meteor per level
2 rounds none calls down a collection of meteors to hit targets inside the area of effect
monster summoning I self 10 +1 round per level 30 ft. radius* 2 rounds none conjures monsters to act as slaves for the caster
protection from malevolence,
15 ft. radius
touch 6 rounds/level 15 ft. radius circle 2 rounds none creates a circle of protection against magic and attacks
protection from normal
slow 90 +10 ft./level 1 +1 round per level 1 creature/3 levels 2 rounds none halves the movement speed of creatures
suggestion 30 ft. 6 +6 rounds/level 1 creature 2 rounds negates* plants the desire to perform an action in the recipient's mind
tongues self 10 rounds 30 ft. radius circle 2 rounds none* enables comprehension and communication with languages
water breathing touch 1 hour/level 1 creature* 2 rounds none enables the recipient to breathe underwater

See also,
Magical Spell Acquisition
Magical Spell Tables