Standard Bearer (sage ability)
Standard Bearer is an amateur-status sage ability within the Empowerment and Heraldry, Signs & Sigils studies. This ability grants the bearer of a military standard the power to bolster their allies in combat, both physically and mentally. While the standard is raised, all friendly combatants within 60 feet (12 combat hexes) gain a +1 bonus to their attack die, improving their chance to strike their enemies.
Additionally, the presence of the standard increases morale by +1 for all allies who can see it, reinforcing their resolve and making them more likely to stand firm in the fight. The symbolism of the standard is crucial in battle, as it acts as a visible rallying point. Armies often employ multiple standard bearers to ensure that these benefits are widespread across different units.
A standard bearer's role is demanding. While they are free to wear armour, they must dedicate both hands to holding and waving the standard in battle. In addition, they must continuously shout encouragement to their allies, preventing them from engaging in other speech or actions beyond forward movement. If mounted, the bearer must control their horse one-handed, requiring significant riding skill to maintain balance and effectiveness.
Should the standard bearer falter, the benefits granted by the standard are immediately lost. If the bearer retreats or is pushed back, the morale and attack bonuses vanish until they are able to stop and re-establish their ground. Because of this, standard bearers must be resilient, determined and willing to stand firm even in the face of danger.
Strategy Against
While they are not expected to fight directly, standard bearers are often key targets on the battlefield. Enemy forces recognise the significance of the standard and will attempt to cut them down or capture the banner, knowing that its loss can demoralise troops. Some armies assign bodyguards to protect their standard bearers, ensuring the symbol of their force remains standing as long as possible.
A skilled standard bearer, beyond simply holding the flag, may learn to maneuver the banner strategically, maximizing visibility, signaling formations or even issuing silent commands through pre-arranged movements of the standard, making them more than just a figurehead — they become an essential part of battlefield communication and leadership.
See also,
Skulduggery (sage field)
The Church (sage field)
Training (sage field)