Shield as a Weapon (sage ability)
Shield as a weapon is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Puissance. Ordinarily, combatants cannot use shields offensively, except when possessing this ability. This technique allows the wielder to strike with the edge or boss of the shield, dealing 1-4 damage, while still benefiting from its defensive properties. The shield cannot be hurled effectively at opponents, as its weight and design do not lend themselves to throwing attacks.
When used as a weapon, the shield remains active as a defensive tool, continuing to provide its usual armour class adjustment. This allows the wielder to maintain their defenses even while engaging in offensive maneuvers. However, wielding a shield in combat requires weapon proficiency, and characters without such training suffer the usual penalties associated with their class.
If the wielder is using a weapon in their primary hand, the rules governing attacking with two weapons apply. The shield is always considered the secondary weapon, except when the character is charging — in which case the shield may be used as the primary striking tool. For standard combat, the wielder must have a dexterity of 13 or higher to wield the shield effectively alongside another weapon. If the shield is used as the sole weapon, dexterity is not a limiting factor, allowing even less agile combatants to utilise it effectively.
This ability is particularly useful for close-quarters combat, where bashing an opponent with a shield can create openings, break an enemy's stance or drive back attackers while maintaining a solid defense.
When charging, the shield is treated as the primary weapon of the attacker, while any other weapon wielded by the character is considered secondary. The momentum of the charge increases the effectiveness of a shield strike, making it a more viable offensive tool in close-quarters combat. However, due to its bulk and lack of reach, shields cannot be used to perform a passing charge against an enemy. A successful shield charge is a direct, forceful collision meant to knock an opponent off balance or break their defensive posture rather than a swift drive-by strike.
When attacking with a shield and a natural 1 is rolled, the shield is not dropped if it is strapped to the combatant's arm. However, such a fumble represents an impact against a solid surface or an awkward, forceful wrenching of the shield's weight. To account for this, the combatant must roll 2d6 to determine if injury occurs.
If a 2 is rolled, the force of the fumble results in an injury dealing 2-8 points of damage, representing a fractured (2-3) or broken (4-8) arm. In this case, the shield becomes useless, and the character suffers a -4 penalty to both attack rolls and defense until the shield is removed. The severity of the injury may require time, magical healing or medical attention before the arm can function properly again.
If the shield is not strapped to the arm, then it drops to the ground like any other weapon, leaving the character momentarily defenseless until it can be retrieved.