Set Snares (sage ability)
Set Snares is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Setting Traps, allowing the character to construct and place snares, trip wires, counterweights and foothold traps. These devices function to momentarily capture or hinder a target, using tensioned twine or wire to snatch a limb, pull a victim off balance or trigger an environmental hazard. While simple to craft, snares require frequent maintenance, especially when used to secure an area such as a settlement against intruders. Regular upkeep ensures the effectiveness of these traps by resetting sprung snares, checking for environmental wear and preserving the tension that holds them in place.
The process of setting a snare does not demand complete technical knowledge from the player, nor is it necessary to specify every intricate detail of its construction. The primary function of a snare is to incapacitate or control movement rather than inflict damage directly. A snare might entangle a victim's leg, pin a limb or suspend a target above the ground with a properly balanced counterweight. Trip wires, though similar, often serve as triggers for external consequences, such as releasing an avalanche of stones or a swinging log. Ultimately, the player should determine the intent of the trap, while the exact execution remains abstracted to maintain game flow.
Though effective, this ability is inherently limited by the character's amateur skill level. The snares set are purely mechanical in nature and rely on simple principles of tension and release. They cannot incorporate mechanisms such as spring-loaded missile traps, rotating arms or sequential trigger systems that require additional moving parts. Devices of greater complexity, including those that chain reactions together, fall under the expertise of an authority-level trap setter and are beyond the scope of this ability. However, basic environmental hazards, such as a hanging log or a weighted net, fall within the capabilities of the character, provided they adhere to the constraints of a single-action trigger.
Setting Time
The time required to set a snare is directly proportional to the weight it must affect, with a rate of one minute per pound of weight involved. This includes all materials such as gathered rocks, counterweights or swinging logs. Smaller snares designed for precision — such as a loop meant to snag a wrist to a doorknob — take a minimum of one minute to set and are typically intended for quick escapes or delaying pursuers. Larger traps, especially those meant to cause substantial damage, require significant preparation time.
Effect & Damage
Once placed, a snare has a 60% chance of triggering when a creature steps within a 5-foot radius of its central mechanism. Traps are typically disguised by natural obstacles, such as a branch positioned to encourage a step over a critical point or a narrow pass that forces movement into a precise location. Unless characters have previously encountered a snare or possess the ability to detect traps, they have no reason to scrutinise the area. If a trap is successfully sprung, the victim is entitled to an ability check against dexterity, suffering a -1 penalty per level of the character who set the snare. A successful check allows the target to avoid capture, though if the trap inflicts damage, half of it is still applied as the victim narrowly avoids full entrapment.
The damage caused by a snare is not fixed, as it depends on the weight of the materials involved and the nature of the trap's function. A falling rock or swinging log would follow the same damage calculations used for falls, improvised weapons or impact injuries. Dungeon Masters should use these references as a guideline when assessing the potential lethality of a snare.
See also,
Skulduggery (sage field)
Trip (spell)