Dust Devil (spell)

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Dust Devil is a spell that conjures a swirling, animated vortex of dust, dirt and debris, occupying a single combat hex and rising approximately 15 feet into the air. Within its churning mass, vision is obscured, making it difficult for creatures to see through or inside. The vortex moves at the caster's command, impeding movement through it's hex and forcing opponents to react to its presence. If directed to attack, the dust devil inflicts 1d8 damage upon any creature in its path, striking automatically without the need for a to hit roll.

Dust Devil
Range 30 ft.
Duration 1 round per level
Area of Effect special
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (2nd)

The dust devil remains bound to the ground and cannot lift itself into the air, though it can ascend slopes, ramps or cliffs as terrain allows. The caster may direct it to move up to six hexes per round (30 feet), spending 1 AP to do so. Unlike some summoned effects, the dust devil does not require concentration to maintain. If left without direction, it will remain in place, whirling chaotically, automatically attack any random creature that moves within one hex of its position.

The conjuration attacks as a 9 hit dice; it possesses an armour class of 4, making it somewhat resistant to direct attacks. However, it is immune to normal weapons and can only be damaged by magic weapons or spells. Regardless of the source, it can withstand only 9 points of damage before it is entirely dispersed, vanishing harmlessly into the air.

The vortex automatically disrupts spellcasting for any creature within one combat hex; at the same distance, gaseous creatures are disrupted and become disoriented for 1 to 3 rounds, after which they are free to move away from the vortex at will. Such creatures cannot pass through the dust devil. The swirling winds interact with other magical effects, causing obscurement or a stinking cloud to shift unpredictably within its area but without fully dispersing them. A gust of wind can be used to dispel a dust devil, ending its effect.