Dragon Turtle

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Dragon Turtle
Species beast
No. Appearing 1
Behaviour solitary
Range coral reef, deep water, intertidal
Size 48 ft. long, 28 ft. wide
Weight 27,000 lbs.
Intelligence 16
Armour Class 0
Hit Dice 12 to 14
Action Points 4
Max. Stride 3
THAC0 14
Hp/Die 2d12
Attack Forms 3: two claws, maw
Damage claw (4-24); mandibles (8-64)
Special Attacks breath weapon, capsize, swallow

Dragon turtles are extremely rare creatures that inhabit the deep ocean along the edges of continental shelves and the submerged fringes of vast river deltas. They originate from the plane of Elysium; across the entire world, only thirteen are known to exist, though their precise locations are never certain. Rumours persist of dragon turtle colonies in Polynesia, but these are likely speculative rather than factual. Most of their number reside in the waters of the East and South China Seas.

Dragon Turtle.jpg

Possessing high intelligence, dragon turtles are rational and approachable beings, though it is wise to approach them unarmed and without hostility. Many legends depict them as sources of wisdom, as they possess knowledge of the outer planes of existence and the great beyond.

The dragon turtle moves with deliberate strength, capable of swimming great distances and walking on land when necessary. While primarily carnivorous, feeding on fish, squid, and even whales, it is known to scavenge and occasionally consume plant matter. Some reports suggest it has an unusual interest in shipwrecks, possibly using them as shelter or hunting grounds.


Due to its immense size, a dragon turtle is capable of inflicting tremendous incidental damage in the waters surrounding its body. Its claws can effortlessly sweep aside opponents, while its powerful jaws are capable of tearing even a giant apart. If the creature lands a natural 20 on an attack roll, it will swallow any creature up to 10 feet in height. Swallowed victims are rendered helpless and suffer 3-18 hit points of damage per round as they are crushed by the dragon turtle's powerful throat muscles, continuing until death.

In addition, a dragon turtle can disembogue, expelling a vast cloud of scalding steam from its mouth. This superheated vapour spreads 60 feet outward, with a width of 40 feet and a height of 20 feet. Any creatures caught within the cloud suffer 40 +[4-40] damage, though a successful saving throw reduces this damage by half.

When attacking a ship at sea, a dragon turtle can inflict 1-3 points of exterior hull damage per attack. It is capable of striking every four rounds and, during this time, can remain submerged, making it nearly impervious to counterattacks from the surface. Should a crew choose to strike their sails and allow the vessel to go dead in the water, this signals to the dragon turtle that they have surrendered and are open to negotiation.


With lifespans stretching over centuries, they have firsthand knowledge of historical figures and events, allowing them to view history with an unparalleled perspective. Numerous texts, both ancient and recent, recount relationships between dragon turtles and emperors, conquerors and great religious leaders. Dragon turtles are known to speak the common language.

According to Chinese mythology, Ao was an immense dragon turtle that resided in the South China Sea during the world's formation. It is said that Nuwa severed Ao's legs and used them as pillars to uphold the sky. Another legend claims that Ao slumbers in the Bohai Sea, supporting the islands of Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou upon his back. These islands belong to a group of five, believed to be the dwelling place of the Eight Immortals.

See Bestiary