Type | common | chamitataxus |
Species | weasel | |
No. Appearing | 2-5 | |
Behaviour | subsocial | |
Range | steppe, woodland | subterranean, taiga, woodland |
Size | 35 in. long | 6 ft. 3 in long |
Weight | 33 lbs. | 325 lbs. |
Intelligence | 2 | 3 |
Armour Class | 7 | 3 |
Hit Dice | 1+2 | 4+1 |
Action Points | 6 | 5 |
Max. Stride | 9 | 7 |
THAC0 | 20 | 18 |
Hp/Die | d4 | d10 |
Attack Form | 3: two claws; fangs | |
Damage | claw (1-3); fangs (1-4) | claw (1-6); fangs (2-12) |
Special Attack | ferocity (+2 to hit in burrow) |
Badgers have short, wide bodies with powerful limbs adapted for digging. They are common throughout the woodlands of Europe and extend across temperate and subarctic regions, including coolies and riverbanks throughout the Russian steppe. Their range also includes parts of China, Mongolia and Turkestan, where prairie and mixed forest occur, though they do not inhabit areas of sparse grass or true desert.
Though small in stature, badgers are capable of rapid, aggressive attacks, striking with surprising speed despite their relatively few hit points. When defending their burrows and young, they fight with fierce determination, gaining a +2 to hit bonus when cornered underground. They display little fear of humans and are often found roaming through villages, rooting through refuse piles or exploring gardens and orchards within settlement walls.
Badgers are hunted and trapped commercially for their pelts, though their fur is considered coarse and of lesser quality than that of more prized animals. It is primarily used for trimming garments, hat linings and specialty brushes rather than for fine clothing.
In some regions, particularly the British Isles and France, badger-baiting is a popular, if brutal, form of entertainment, where dogs are set against badgers in enclosed pits for amusement and betting. Though officially outlawed in many areas, the practice continues in secret, particularly in remote or rural settlements where enforcement of such laws is rare.
Chamitataxus, also known as giant badgers, are carnivorous, tunnelling animals with powerful claws, capable of burrowing through soft rock formations such as coal seams, potash and sandstone at a rate of 20–25 cubic feet per day. While many dig simply to create a sufficient cave for the female to birth her brood, others have been observed tunneling into dungeons and underground structures, seeking out humanoids and other meat-bearing creatures as prey. Their ability to sense open spaces beneath the earth makes them a danger to unsuspecting adventurers, as their relentless digging can suddenly open up passageways into otherwise inaccessible lairs.
Although slower than their smaller cousins, giant badgers retain all the ferocity of common badgers, if not more. They do not receive the +2 bonus when fighting in their lairs, but their sheer strength and tenacity make them formidable predators. Many who dwell underground fear the sight of a chamitataxus lumbering through the tunnels, its powerful limbs tearing through the earth with ease. The possibility of a child or livestock being dragged away to feed a hungry brood remains a constant concern for those who live near their hunting grounds.
Giant badgers will often carry their kills back to their primary den, where the carcass is shared among family members. Their tunnels are expansive and labyrinthine, often containing multiple chambers for sleeping, feeding and storing remains. Some believe that particularly large dens have been occupied for generations, passed down from one brood to the next.
Rumours persist of a species of giant badger possessing heightened intelligence, capable of using tools and forming structured subterranean societies, but these claims remain entirely unsubstantiated. No evidence has ever been found to suggest that such creatures exist.
See Bestiary