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[[Magical Spell Tables]]
[[Magical Spell Tables]]
[[Category: Reviewed
[[Category: Reviewed]]

Latest revision as of 16:26, 11 March 2025

The spells below are presented in a uniform format, comprising key details that outline each spell's limitations. These particulars include the spell's range, specifying the maximum distance it can affect; its duration, indicating how long the spell's effects persist; the area of effect, defining the dimensions of its influence post-casting; the casting time, which tells you how quickly the spell can be prepared and unleashed, or "discharged"; any potential saving throws, which denote whether targets can resist the spell's effects and the consequences thereof; and a brief description summarising the spell's magical attributes.

Should more comprehensive information be needed about a particular spell, it can be found by following the provided links. An asterisk (*) serves as a sign that a full explanation of the spell's intricacies necessitates more space than currently available.

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
affect normal fires 5 ft./level 3 rounds/level 3 ft. diameter fire 1 round special enables fire to be carried or thrown
alarm 10 ft. until tripped 20 ft. diameter/level 1 round none creates a magic alarm as a warning
armour touch until sunrise/destroyed 1 creature 1 round none provides protection against damage
burning hands self 1 round 120° fan, 30 ft. outwards 1 round none* creates a sheet of flame causing damage
charm person 30 ft. 5 rounds, +3/level 1 humanoid 1 round negates causes humanoids to become friendly
comprehend languages 20 ft. 1 hour/level 1 creature 1 round none enables reading of unknown languages
dancing lights 30 ft., +10/level 5 rounds/level 1-4 lights 1 round none creates the effect of torch lights
detect magic self 10 rounds 10 ft. wide, 40 ft. path 1 round none detects magic
enlarge 5 ft./level 10 rounds/level 1 creature/object 1 round negates* grows or shrinks creatures or objects
erase 30 ft. permanent 100 sq.in./level 1 round none erases writing and glyphs from surfaces
feather fall 30 ft. level until landing 1 creature/object* blink* none safely arrests falling persons and objects
find familiar self life of the familiar special 2-24 hours none calls a magical being as a loyal servant
firewater 10 ft. 10 rounds/level 1 flask/level 1 round none* transforms water into flammable liquid
friends self 5 rounds/level 20 ft., +10/level 1 round negates increases caster's charisma by 2-8 points
grease 20 ft. 1 day 1 hex/level 1 round negates causes surfaces to become slippery
hold portal 20 ft./level 3 rounds/level 1 portal/level 1 round none magically bars doors, gates and portals
identify touch 1 round/level 1 item 5 rounds none determines the purpose of magical items
jump touch 1 jump/level 1 creature 1 round none enables great leaps, forward or vertical
light 120 ft. 1 hour/level 20 ft. radius globe 1 round none* creates light source
magic missile 60 ft., +10/level 1 action point special 1 round none creates missiles that cause damage
melt 30 ft. permanent* 1 cub.yd. ice* 1 round none* melts ice or snow into water
mending 40 ft. permanent 1 object 1 round none repairs broken or damaged objects
message 240 ft., +40/level 5 rounds/level not applicable 1 round none enables the caster to send a message
mount 10 ft. 4 hours,+2/level 1 mount 1 round none calls a mount to serve the recipient
Nystul's magic aura touch 1 hour/level 1 object, 5 lbs./level 1 round none invests objects with magic
precipitation 10 ft./level 4 rounds/level 30 ft. circle, 120 ft. high 1 round none creates rain
protection from malevolence touch 6 rounds/level 1 creature 1 round none protects against aggressive attacks
push 20 +10 ft./level 1 round 200 lbs./level 1 round none* pushes back objects or creatures
run touch 1 hour/level 1 creature* 1 round none enables long-distance running
shield self 5 rounds/level self 1 round none creates a barrier against attacks
shocking grasp self until discharged* touched creature 1 round none produces a damage-causing shock
sleep 30 +10 ft./level 5 rounds/level* 2-8 +1 hit dice/level 1 round negates causes creatures to sleep
spider climb touch 1 round +1/level 1 creature 1 round none enables move over impossible surfaces
taunt self 1 round 1 creature/level* 1 round negates spurs enemies into attacking unwisely
Tenser's floating disc 20 ft. +5/level 2 +1 hour/level 200 lbs./level 1 round none creates a disc to carry things
unseen servant 60 ft. 2 hours +1/level 1 servant 1 round none creates a helpmeet for any situation
ventriloquism 10 ft./level 4 rounds +1/level 1 false source 1 round none enables the voice to be thrown
wizard mark touch permanent 1 rune/level 1 round none inscribes a personal rune into an object

See slso,
Magical Spell Acquisition
Magical Spell Tables