Grey Ooze

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Grey Ooze
Species ooze
No. Appearing 1-3
Behaviour solitary
Range subterranean
Size 6 ft. diameter, 6 in. deep
Weight 870 lbs.
Intelligence 1
Armour Class 8
Hit Dice 3+3
Action Points 3
Max. Stride 2
THAC0 19
Hp/Die d4+d6
Attack Forms 1: touch
Damage touch (2-16)
Special Attacks acid, natural immunities

Grey ooze is a lethargic, amorphous creature that oozes its way through the labyrinthine passages of subterranean environments. Similar to a pudding, these creatures exhibit a remarkable ability to contort and squeeze their form to navigate through confined spaces, allowing them to slip through openings as narrow as half an inch in width, such as a dungeon door. While they can manage ascending a stairwell, they're unable to scale a vertical wall or traverse across a ceiling.

Grey Ooze b.jpg

In appearance, grey ooze possesses a distinctive, slightly greenish hue. Oozes lack the adaptive feature of camouflage due to their inherent reflective qualities. Thus observers who chance upon their presence in the dark depths are sure to recognise the creature's concerning nature.


Preferring to pool in confined spaces, they like the base of staircases or at the bottom of pits where unsuspecting creatures may stumble upon them. Oozes are sedentary in nature, tending to remain in one place for extended periods.

When engaging in an attack, the grey ooze can extend an appendage from their amorphous bodies, thrust outward in a manner akin to a striking snake. This method of attack seeks to surprise prey and cripple it's lower limbs, so that it has difficulting moving off, or climb out of whatever hole the ooze occupies. Then, steadily, the ooze can close with its prey and devour it.


Acid. The surface of an ooze is highly corrosive, so that a mere touch can inflict excruciating pain by searing the victim's flesh, or cause metal, cloth or wood to spontaneously dissolve on contact.

Upon touching a creature, the acidic body fluid of the creature will cause damage as indicated. Additionally, upon a hit, the defender's armour (or clothes if the character is unarmoured) must make a save vs. acid. Failure indicates that the armour is made less effect by 1 armour class.

Blows that miss the defender, but hit the defender's armour, will also require that a saving throw is made against acid. Weapons that are used against the creature, except those made of stone, must also save vs. acid every time they are used.

The grey ooze is immune to heat or cold attacks.

See Bestiary