Pottery (cantrip)

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File:Pottery (cantrip).jpg
A convenient poison container
Range 10 ft.
Duration until next sunrise
Area of Effect 1 object
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

Creates any common — with emphasis on common — household object made of pottery, earthenware or stoneware, up to 18 inches in diameter or height.

Art pottery such as porcelain or faience are not possible. Common objects include cooking ware, jugs, cups, mugs, plates, vases, jars and chamber pots. The pottery object will function according to its purpose, so that it can be safely placed in a normal fire (no saving throw required), hold liquids and food, or stand up to being fired in an oven for the purpose of heating or melting another material.

Once created, the object will remain in existence until the sun rises the next day or until it become broken in some way. Though it feels tactile, cantrip-created objects do not receive a saving throw; if exposed to a circumstance where a save would be required, the object automatically fails, shattering or dissolving. A created object can serve as a missile, causing 1-2 damage if a to hit roll is successful.

The pottery object will emit a very weak magic for the purpose of magic detection.

See Legerdemain Cantrips