Warm (cantrip)

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Warm is a cantrip that increases the recipient's ambient temperature by two grades, providing a sensation much like standing near a moderate fire. This effect extends to all equipment carried, ensuring that clothing, armour and supplies remain comfortably warm despite external conditions.

Range 10 ft.
Duration 10 minutes
Area of Effect 1 creature
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

Because all carried items share the effect, warmed consumables can be distributed, granting a minor benefit to others. If a person consumes at least one ounce of food or drink per minute, they experience a one-grade temperature improvement for as long as they continue to eat or drink. While temporary, this shared warmth can help sustain those exposed to cold conditions.

The cantrip also allows objects given to the recipient to gradually warm over time, and hands that press against their flesh will feel the steady transfer of heat. Though minor, these benefits may help delay the onset of hypothermia or frostbite, providing a vital edge while the party works to build a fire or find shelter.

The effect is specifically contained to the recipient and their belongings, preventing misuse or unintended consequences. It cannot be applied directly to the environment — snow will not melt beneath their feet, nor will ice weaken under them to create a drowning hazard. The temperature shift, though noticeable, is not extreme, meaning wood held in hand will not dry enough to burn, and no object will become hot enough to ignite.

See also,
Endure Cold & Heat (spell)
Useful Cantrips