Prayer (spell)
Prayer is a spell that enables the caster to increase the prowess and effectiveness of combatants within the area of effect while weakening the enemy. Only characters who have the same religion as the caster are affected by the spell.
Range | self |
Duration | 2 rounds per level |
Area of Effect | 60 ft. radius |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | cleric (3rd) |
Attacks made by allies of the caster are done at +1 to hit and +1 damage, while attacks made by the caster's enemies suffer a -1 to hit and -1 to damage.
These effects are not cumulative. Those of the same religion who are not allies of the caster do not benefit from the spell simply because of this.
Friendly combatants who choose to move beyond the area of effect lose the benefit, while enemies that retreat to fire missiles into the fray likewise cease to be affected, as where they stand matters more than whom they attack. The spell affects non-intelligent creatures, treating them as enemies, as the spell exists to protect and defend the caster, not specifically punish non-believers.
The experience (X.P.) gained from the additional damage caused by an ally under the spell's effects accrues to the caster. For example, if Trayvon strikes an enemy with a short sword and deals 6 damage, including the bonus from Uther's prayer spell, experience points are distributed accordingly — Trayvon receives credit for 5 points of damage, while Uther gains credit for 1.
See also,
Bless (spell
Chant (spell)