Improved Invisibility (spell)
Improved Invisibility is a spell that allows the caster to render a single creature completely unseen, including all equipment the target carries or wears. This effect functions similarly to invisibility, but with a crucial difference — taking action, whether aggressive or otherwise, does not immediately end the spell.
Range | touch |
Duration | 4 rounds +1 round/level |
Area of Effect | 1 creature |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | illusionist (4th) |
The affected creature may move freely, make noise, interact with objects and attack without breaking the invisibility. However, if the invisible creature directly attacks another, they will briefly become partially visible for one round. During this time, their form will shimmer translucently, allowing opponents to strike them at a –2 penalty to hit. If the invisible creature refrains from further attacks after this moment, they will return to complete invisibility at the start of their next round.
Despite the advantages of improved invisibility, the spell does not provide protection against area-effect spells, which still affect the invisible target normally. Additionally, any spell that requires sight to be cast upon a target will allow the invisible creature a saving throw against magic, even if the spell would not normally permit one, such as magic missile. This saving throw is made with a +2 modifier.
The spell can still be countered by detect invisibility and detect illusion, which will reveal the presence of the unseen creature. Opponents who become aware of an invisible creature's location may attempt to strike them if they can correctly identify the target's hex, though melee attacks suffer a –4 penalty to hit, and missile attacks incur a –8 penalty.
A recipient cannot be made invisible against its will.