Storm Giant
Species | giant |
No. Appearing | 1–4 |
Behaviour | social |
Range | alpine (high), coral reef, deep water |
Size | 21 ft. tall |
Weight | 7,500 lbs. |
Intelligence | 15 to 16 |
Armour Class | 1 |
Hit Dice | 15 +2–7 |
Action Points | 5 |
Max. Stride | {{{stride}}} |
THAC0 | 12 |
Hp/Die | 2d8 |
Attack Forms | 1: trident |
Damage | trident (7–42)+12 |
Special Attacks | breathe underwater, immunity to electricity, levitation, lightning bolt, spellcasting, strength (24) |
Storm giants are the tallest and most powerful of the true giant races, standing an imposing 21 to 25 feet in height and weighing approximately 12,000 pounds. Their physical appearance varies, but they typically have smooth, silvery-lavender or deep violet skin, often with a faint, radiant glow. Their hair is usually silvery-white or bronze, and their eyes are piercing shades of deep gray or purple. Their features are noble and finely chiseled, giving them a regal and imposing presence.
Storm giants are reclusive beings, preferring solitude in remote, high-altitude locations or deep beneath the ocean's surface. They are most commonly found in cloud-topped mountain peaks or isolated islands surrounded by raging waters. Unlike other giants, they have an affinity for both the land and sea, being excellent swimmers capable of surviving in the ocean depths without difficulty. Their connection to the elements is intrinsic, and they are often regarded as near-divine figures by lesser creatures who view them as either protectors or omens of great change.
Despite their immense power, storm giants are known for their wisdom, fairness and philosophical outlook. Their societies, when they do form, are loosely structured, with little in the way of rigid hierarchy. Families or small groups of storm giants may dwell together, but they prefer independence; they have little interest in ruling over others, unlike their cloud or fire giant cousins, but they will sometimes act as protectors of sacred sites, ancient ruins or places of elemental power. Mortals who earn their favour may receive guidance, gifts of enchanted relics or even shelter from dangerous storms, while those who offend them risk incurring their formidable wrath.
Storm giants possess formidable magical abilities, many of which are tied to their mastery over weather. They can summon and control storms, call down lightning and generate powerful winds at will. Their immense strength allows them to wield oversized weapons with ease, often favouring massive greatswords or spears forged from enchanted metals.
See Bestiary