Dusty (cantrip)

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Dusty is a cantrip that coats everything within its area of effect with a fine layer of dust, approximately an eighth-inch thick, as if it had settled undisturbed over time. This covering is sufficient to obscure footprints, bloodstains or other signs of recent activity, though only within a small, localised area.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 4 ft. radius
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

If applied to a mechanism, the cantrip has a 5% chance per caster level of causing gears, pins, levers and other moving parts to seize, rendering the device useless until it is properly cleaned. This process requires at least two ounces of oil and 30 minutes of work. If the affected machine weighs more than 30 pounds, there is a 20% chance that a critical component will break, requiring repair or replacement.

The area of effect is large enough to cover a single creature, who has a 1 in 6 chance of sneezing due to the sudden accumulation of dust. If this happens, any combatants close enough to attack the affected creature gain a +2 bonus to their hit rolls as the target is momentarily distracted.

The layer of dust created by the cantrip could potentially snuff out a small, delicate flame, such as a candle, but would be insufficient to extinguish a torch, lantern or larger open flame. When cast over a candle or an oil lamp with an exposed wick, the sudden settling of dust may choke the flame, causing it to flicker, sputter or go out entirely. However, if there is any draft or air movement, the dust would likely be dispersed before it could fully smother the flame.

See also,
Dust (cantrip)
Reversed Cantrips