Magical Cantrip Tables

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The page includes a complete list of all illusionary cantrips available.

(*) special; see spell for further details

Haunting Sound

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
crack 10 ft. 1 round 10 ft. circle* 2 AP negates whip sound; scares animals and distracts
croak 60 ft. 1 round 60 ft. circle* 2 AP negates frog sound; compels frogs and distracts
creak 10 ft. 1 round 20 ft. circle* 2 AP negates gate hinge sound; rusts hinges and distracts
drip 10 ft. while focusing 60 ft. 2 AP none water sound; compels investigation
footfall 30 ft. 1 round 30 ft. circle* 2 AP negates moving feet; lures away listeners
groan 10 ft. 1 round 30 ft. circle* 2 AP negates sound of pain, drives animals away
knocking 10 ft. 1 round 30 ft. circle 2 AP negates door knocking; compels investigation
moan 10 ft. 4 rounds 30 ft. circle 2 AP negates sound of lament; compels morale check
rattle 10 ft. 1 round 10 ft. circle* 2 AP negates sound of chains; causes wheels to rattle
snap 30 ft. 1 round 3 creatures* 2 AP negates sound of snapping twig or a fire popping
thump 30 ft. 2 rounds 1 creature 2 AP negates sound of a loud thump; frightens hearers
wheeze 20 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP negates sound of expelled air; forces some to surface
whistle 30 ft. 2 rounds 1 creature 2 AP negates a low inhuman sound with an eerie message


Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
distract 25 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP negates compels another to look at a given place
furnish 10 ft. special 1 furnishing 1 round none creates furniture for the caster's use
hide touch 5 rounds 1 shape* 1 AP none conceals objects that appear of a size
palm touch* permanent 1 object 1 AP none swipes and conceals a small object
pottery 10 ft. until dawn 1 object 1 round none creates pottery for the caster's use
present self instantaneous 1 object 2 AP none fetches possessed objects to the caster's hand
thingamajig 10 ft. 1 hour 1 object 1 round none creates tools for the caster's use
woodcraft 10 ft. until dawn 1 object 1 round none creates wooden articles for the caster's use


Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
belch 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP negates reduces charisma or armour class
blink 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 1 AP negates protects against eye attacks
close wound 10 ft. permanent 1 creature 2 AP none causes a wound to stop bleeding
cough 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP negates incapacitates; also a cure against poison
giggle 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature* 2 AP negates causes giggling and reactions from others
nod 30 ft. 3 AP 1 creature 2 AP negates compels a directional nodding of the head
scratch 10 ft. 2 rounds 1 creature* 2 AP none produces an annoying itch; various results
sneeze 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP negates incapacitates; also a cure against colds
twitch 20 ft. 2 rounds 2 creatures 2 AP negates reduces combat ability
yawn 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP negates reduces attacks, particularly mouth attacks.


Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
bee 10 ft.* 1 round 1 creature 2 AP special conjures a bee that may cause a poor reaction
bluelight 10 ft. special 10 ft. radius 2 AP none creates a soft blue light that illuminates
bug 10 ft. 1 hour 1 creature 2 AP none conjures a bug that pursues its victim
cricket touch special 1 cricket 2 AP special conjures a cricket that brings luck
firefinger 6 in. 1 AP 1 object 2 AP none lights objects on fire
gadfly 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP none* conjures a gadfly that may dismount riders
mouse 10 ft. 1 round 1 creature 2 AP none conjures a mouse that may cause disease
smokepuff 20 ft. 1 round 7 ft. sphere 2 AP none* manifests a puff of smoke that dissipates
spider 10 ft. 1 round 1 spider 2 AP none* conjures a spider that may be poisonous
unlock 10 ft. permanent 1 lock 2 AP none unlocks or locks an existing lock


Cantrip Range Duration Area of effect Casting Save Description
Break 10 ft. Permanent 1 object 2 AP none Breaks a glass or ceramic object
Curdle 10 ft. Permanent 1 quart 2 AP none Ruins beverages, potions and other liquids
Dirty 10 ft. Permanent 4 cub.yd. 2 AP none Grimes surfaces, reduces likeability
Dusty 10 ft. Permanent 10 ft. radius 2 AP none* Grits mechanisms, may cause sneezing
Hairy 10 ft. Permanent 1 creature 2 AP negates Causes hair to grow; will frighten creatures
Sour 10 ft. Permanent 1 quart 2 AP negates Makes milk sour or transforms wine
Spill 20 ft. Permanent 1 container 2 AP negates Upsets containers to spill their contents
Tangle 1 cub. yd. Permanent 1 object 2 AP negates Knots, twists and tangles thin objects
Unravel 20 ft. Permanent 1 object 2 AP negates Separates woven cloth and stitching
Wilt 10 ft. Permanent 1 cub.ft. 2 AP negates Causes living plant life to wither and die


Cantrip Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
chill 10 ft. 10 rounds 1 cubic ft. 2 AP none chills objects 30 degrees; may freeze water
clean 10 ft. permanent 4 cubic yards 2 AP none cleans surfaces, increases likability
colour touch permanent 1 object 2 AP none changes colour of an object or creature
dampen 10 ft. until evaporated 1 cubic yard 2 AP none dampens area so as to have varied effects
dry 10 ft. until moistened 1 cubic yard 2 AP none dries area so as to have varied effects
dust 10 ft. permanent* 10 ft. radius sphere 2 AP none removes dust and traces of movement
exterminate 10 ft permanent 1 creature 2 AP none instantly kills small creatures with 1 hp
flavour touch 1 hour 1 qt. or 1 lb. 2 AP none* improves morale, conceals poison/food rot
freshen 10 ft. 1 hour 1 cub.yd. or 1 creature 2 AP none masks odour and the effects of noxious smells
gather 10 ft. permanent 5 ft. circle 2 AP none pulls together small objects into a pile
polish touch permanent* 1 object 2 AP none restores and brings lustre to metal/wood
salt 10 ft. permanent 1 cub.ft. per level 2 AP none infuses substances with salt
sprout 10 ft. permanent 1 sq. yard 2 AP none causes vegetables and fruit to grow
stitch 10 ft. permanent up to 2 objects 2 AP none restores cloth, binds together fibres
tie 10 ft. permanent permanent* 2 AP none* ties a flexible strand to a given object
warm 10 ft. 10 rounds 1 cub.ft. 2 AP none warms objects 30 degrees, may melt ice
wrap 10 ft. 1 week 4 lb. 2 AP none wraps objects for easy storage

See Also,
Mage (class)
Magical Spell Acquisition