Chill (cantrip)

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Chill is a cantrip that lowers the temperature within its area of effect by up to 30 degrees relative to the ambient conditions. As the term “degree” is anachronistic for the D&D setting, the effect is typically described as making the target noticeably "colder."

Range 10 ft.
Duration 10 rounds
Area of Effect 1 cub. ft.
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

The chilling occurs almost instantly, and once the cantrip's effect is expended, the affected object or area will gradually return to its original temperature within 30 rounds (6 minutes).

Liquids within the area of effect will freeze solid if the temperature drops below their freezing point. In humid conditions, surfaces may develop a thin layer of rime, though the area of effect is too small to create a significant slipping hazard.

In warmer climates, the cantrip can cool the surfaces of hot metal and other objects, allowing them to be handled safely. Additionally, it provides temporary relief from heat exhaustion, cooling an individual enough to stave off its effects for one hour, allowing time for more lasting remedies to be applied.

See also,
Magical Cantrip Tables
Useful Cantrips