Wrap (cantrip)

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Wrap is a cantrip that conjures a strong, resilient wrapping around one or more objects, shielding them from the elements. The wrapping may take on different appearances — waxy, woody, clayey, papery or similar textures — but regardless of its form, it serves the same protective function.

Range 10 ft.
Duration 1 week
Area of Effect 4 lbs.
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip


The cantrip prevents the wrapped contents from getting wet, drying out or suffering exposure to natural fire. It provides complete protection from most environmental factors for the duration of the dweomer, though its resistance to fire lasts for only three rounds before breaking down. The wrapping offers no protection against magical attacks or unnatural forces.

The encasement is seamless, preventing access to the contents without dispelling the cantrip. The caster can dismiss the dweomer at will, causing the wrapping to vanish and revealing the objects inside. As the cantrip may be cast anew each day, up to seven wrappings can exist at once. Once the cantrip's duration expires, the wrapping dissipates naturally, leaving the contents exposed where they were originally placed.


The cantrip cannot contain liquids of any kind, only solid objects. Any object that extends beyond the wrapping, such as a wick or string, is either sucked inside or expelled upon casting, depending on its size. Additionally, the cantrip prevents the casting of certain dweomers upon it, such as fire trap, making it unsuitable for trapping or enchanting its contents.

See Useful Cantrips