Magic Stone (spell)

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Magic Stone.jpg

Magic stone is a spell that imbues a mundane stone with arcane powers, turning it into a formidable projectile when hurled at foes. Upon casting, the stone becomes suffused with magic. This can be used by the caster or given to others of the same faith, who can throw the stone in the caster's stead.

Magic Stone
Range 20 ft.
Duration 10 rounds per level; see text
Area of Effect 1 stone per level
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (1st)


When the stone is thrown at an enemy, the thrower must hit a target armour class (AC) of 10, irrespective of the target's armour or innate AC. On a successful hit, the stone inflicts 3 hit points of damage.

The range adjustments of the stone are as follows: within 1-3 hexes, no penalty; from 4-5 hexes, -2 to hit; and from 6-7 hexes, -5 to hit. Stones thrown past 7 hexes lose their magic and cause no damage. For this reason, and because the stone must remain in contact with the thrower's person — gloves permitted — the magic stone cannot be employed with a sling.

The stone must be held and not put down until it's thrown. Fumbled stones lose their magic upon striking the ground.

Tawkra Ball

tawkra ball

It is possible to insert up to four stones into a tawkra ball, a wicker ball that will sustain the magic. Only one tawkra may be used per casting of the spell. If the tawkra is used in this way, the combined damage of all contained stones will affect the target in a single hit.

The spell has no effect on stones that are already magical.