Exterminate (cantrip)

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Exterminate (cantrip).jpg

Exterminate enables the destruction of any creature whose "maximum" hit points (h.p.) is 1. Thus, a creature that's been reduced to 1 h.p. through damage cannot be affected; but virtually any 1 hit die (HD) creature might perchance be vulnerable, including the rare human, demi-human, goblin, kobald and so on whose h.p. roll was bleak.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 creature
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

There's no way for the caster to know, of course, which creature in a group might have only 1 h.p. Moreover, the divination cannot be obtained anachronistically — though learning which is the "weakest" could produce positive results. Levelled creatures will always have a minimum of at least 2 h.p., as ruled by how hit points are granted to such persons.

The cantrip's safest bet is against creatures with a minimal HD, such as grubs, leeches, centipedes, rats, chickens and so on. The death bestowed occurs without a saving throw; the exterminated creature's remains are left where the creature died.

Exterminated creatures can be brought back to life with raise dead or resurrection, but not with death's door.

See Useful Cantrips