Exterminate (cantrip)
Exterminate is a cantrip that instantly destroys any creature whose maximum hit points (h.p.) is 1. The spell has no effect on creatures that have been wounded down to 1 h.p.; rather, it only works on beings that were never capable of having more health to begin with. This includes most vermin, small animals, insects and certain magical pests, as well as the rare human, demi-human, goblin, kobold or other low-end humanoid whose hit die roll was particularly poor at character creation.
Range | 10 ft. |
Duration | permanent |
Area of Effect | 1 creature |
Casting Time | 2 action points |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | cantrip |
The effect is immediate and absolute — no saving throw applies. Affected creatures simply cease to function, whether by an unseen force, a sudden collapse, or a quiet and inexplicable death. Though this spell can be useful for eliminating infestations or nuisances, it has little utility in battle except against the weakest of enemies. However, for those who know how to exploit fate, poor genetics or unlucky rolls of the dice, Exterminate is a tool of quiet efficiency.
There is no way for the caster to determine which creature in a group might possess only 1 h.p., nor can such knowledge be obtained through traditional divination methods. However, identifying the weakest creature among a group through observation or deduction may yield effective results. Creatures with levels will always have a minimal of at least 2 h.p., as dictated by the mechanics of hit point allocation, making them immune to the cantrip's effect.
The most reliable targets for Exterminate are those with minimal HD, such as grubs, leeches, centipedes, rats, chickens and similar small creatures. The death it inflicts is immediate and absolute, occurring without a saving throw. The remains of the exterminated creature stay in place, allowing for retrieval, study or disposal as needed.
Creatures slain by Exterminate can be restored to life with raise dead or resurrection, but not through death's door, as the spell does not merely incapacitate but removes all vitality from the creature entirely.
See Useful Cantrips