Snap (cantrip)

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Snap is a cantrip that produces a startling, sharp sound that affects up to three designated creatures within 30 ft. of the caster. Provided these creatures have an intelligence of 1 or greater, their full attention is seized instantly and held just long enough to spoil their attacks that round. Each is entitled to a saving throw.

Range 30 ft.
Duration 1 round
Area of Effect 3 creatures; see text
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw negates
Level cantrip

The cantrip cannot affect more than the number of hit dice or levels than the caster possesses. Therefore, a 5th level caster couldn't affect a 6 hit dice monster, nor even three levelled persons — remembering that a 1st levelled character counts as having "two" hit dice, one for their level and one for their body mass. This limitation takes into account that the dweomer is only a cantrip, and therefore shouldn't be viewed as especially powerful.

Nonetheless it's effective as a combat disruption in battles with many opponents, and especially as a means of interrupting spellcasting and spoiling a spell. Despite its limitations, Snap's utility lies in its ability to momentarily disrupt, distract and redirect attention, offering strategic advantages in various scenarios.

See Haunting Sound Cantrips