Forget (spell)

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Range 30 ft.
Duration permanent; see text
Area of Effect 30 ft. diameter circle; see below
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw negates
Level bard (2nd), mage (2nd)

Wipes the memory of the very recent past from the minds of others, if they fail to make their saving throws against magic. The effect is a total loss of memory, that even has the power to obliterate the effects of charm spells such as charm person, suggestion, geas or quest, if the casting and failed saving throw against that charm occurs in the time obliterated by the forget spell.

Creatures in combat must make a morale check if affected by the spell. Until they know what is happening, those who make their save will act defensively — even drawing back from combat - until they can identify what is happening.

The clerical spells heal and restoration will bring back the memories that were lost, as will a wish — but no other means will suffice.