Chromatic Orb (spell)

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Chromatic orb creates a sphere of magical power which the caster is able to wield as a bomb. When thrown at an enemy, the orb causes an effect, direct damage or both to a chosen target — whatever it hits, the orb bursts, sending magical shards outwards to a 10 ft. radius circle.

Chromatic Orb
Range self; see text
Duration until thrown or dropped
Area of Effect 25 ft. diameter
circle; see text
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none; see text
Level illusionist (1st)

Once the orb has been cast, the caster make is manifest by discharging it into his or her own hand. This makes the orb a semi-solid object that can be thrown. The power of the effect is determined by the orb's colour, as shown in the table below. As the caster gains experience levels, different orbs become available. The caster can create only one type of orb per day.

Roll to Hit

The caster chooses a target to throw at; this may be a creature or it may be specific combat hex — if the latter, then only "grenade" damage is caused. The caster rolls a d20 to hit, needing to achieve armour class 10 to hit the desired target.

In the case of a hit, "direct" damage is delivered to the target; those within 2 combat hexes of the target take grenade damage. If a miss occurs, then the caster needs to roll a d6 to determine which random hex around the target hex was hit, determining who receives grenade damage.

This damage can potentially affect anyone, including the caster's allies.

Special Effects

Each sort of orb also exerts a magical effects against the target and upon the immediate environment. Each acts upon a 25 ft. diameter circle, five hexes wide, sometimes as a smaller version of familiar spells.

Chromatic Orb Special Effects
Manifestation Damage/effect
Direct hit Grenade hit
1 pearly light 1-4 0-1
2 ruby heat 1-6 0-2
3 hyacinth fire 1-8 0-3
4 emerald stinking cloud
5 turquoise magnetism 1-12 1-3
6 amber blindness 2-16 1-4
8 sapphire paralysis 2-12 1-6
10 white spike stones 6-24 1-8
12 ochre quasi-elemental
14 amethyst petrification slow
16 ashen death paralysis