Bring Comfort (sage ability)

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Bring Comfort is an amateur-status sage ability that enables the character to design a building so that it can provide a special comfort for the occupants. Through the building's shape, it's walls, window and stairwells, several occupants may gain special benefits that only they can enjoy.

  • Increases the possibility of a successful fertility by 10%, if a pregnancy is desired. This benefit is applied if the woman is comfortable and not the male.

When creating a space where multiple persons may obtain this comfort, each person requires a minimum of 425 sq.ft. Thus a building were to bring comfort to three persons, the size of the building could be no less than 1,275 sq.ft. In the case of a married couple, a single space bringing comfort for both requires only 600 sq.ft. Once the building is built, no other persons can receive this kind of comfort from it.


The cost of materials for the space to be specially designed must be doubled, but remaining parts of the building that are not specially built for the occupant should cost the normal amount.

For example, George is building a "comfortable" house for himself which, we might suppose, will cost him 2 g.p. per sq.ft. in labour and materials. 425 sq.ft. of that building therefore costs him 4 g.p. per sq.ft.; the remainder, however large that remainder is, costs the normal amount.

See Architectural Aesthetics (sage study)