Aid Rest (sage ability)

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Aid rest is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Medicine, allowing the character to enhance the restoration of hit points (h.p.) in others who have undergone rest. Through careful monitoring, the application of soothing treatments and ensuring optimal recovery conditions, the healer improves the natural recuperation process.


A character with this ability may tend to one creature per 5 knowledge points they possess. For instance, a character with 46 knowledge points could aid up to nine individuals over the course of a day, ensuring that their rest is more effective. Each attended creature will recover as though they were two levels or hit dice higher than their actual level for the purposes of daily healing. A 2nd-level character, for example, would heal 4 h.p. per day instead of the standard 2.

This ability requires active engagement, meaning that a character who spends their time aiding others in healing cannot also benefit from resting themselves. The process involves overseeing their charges, changing bandages, preparing food and ensuring that conditions for healing are ideal.


The role of tending to the sick and injured in the game's time period is largely an informal practice, performed by family members, religious figures or those with practical experience rather than structured training. Monasteries and convents often serve as centers of healing, where monks and nuns with this sage ability prove care. The sick are often kept near a fire, especially in cold climates, wrapped in blankets, and given broths or gruel to sustain them. Herbs such as comfrey, yarrow and sage are commonly used in poultices and infusions to reduce swelling, ease pain or promote healing. Characters with aid rest follow some of those traditions that actually work, as opposed to ideas that dangerously contributed to contagion in Earth's history — here, a less traditional approach is taken in exchange for one based on experiment and results.

See Herbal Remedies