Spook (spell)
Spook creates a feeling of intense dread in those recipients designated by the caster, limited by the area of effect. These persons are specifically frightened of the caster, and will take no action against him or her ... though they will fight and defend themselves without fear against the caster's allies. The spell affects any creature with an intelligence of 1 point or greater.
Range | 60 ft. |
Duration | 5 rounds per level; see text |
Area of Effect | 1 creature per level; see text |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Saving Throw | negates |
Level | illusionist (1st) |
If the caster makes a forceful, threatening movement towards one of those affected — moving at least one hex, growling, shouting or waving his or her arms, the creature must make a saving throw vs. magic. If it fails, the creature will "spook," taking flight at the greatest possible stride, using their full movement for 1 round per level of the caster.
The caster can perform this aggressive move once per round against each affected creature, until all have made their saving throw once. As the spell's duration is longer, the caster can wait to do so, picking and choosing the right moment to shoo off a potentially affected creature. When the spell's duration runs out, it's too late to do so.